Chapter 4740 Battle

“Notify the dungeon to clean up the people, confirm the gas and then go.” Lina, who was tightly guarded by the subordinates, suddenly remembered that the dungeon had two tails that had not been resolved, and immediately ordered to prevent the two from leaving.

The people in the dungeon did not have to wait until Lina commanded, and the gunshot sounded into the dungeon and shot directly into the corner of the visible figure.

As for the target is not the target, you have to open the iron door to confirm.


The Burmese man with a gun and gun kept his shot. When the iron gate opened, he shot it all the way. The dungeon was filled with some kind of burnt smell. It was also a high-temperature warhead that was injected into the human body. taste.

The dungeon in the dark night was extremely dark, and the man with the smell of the gun was finely set, while the rifle that kept the shot was put down and walked toward the corner.

A total of two people came in and there was another person outside the dungeon.

In the corner of the iron gate, Ye Jian re-slid the black long and slender hairpins back into the hair room. The eyes calmly saw the two people facing the corner, a small distance from the iron gate, and her hidden arrow in the corner. With a clear cold, I went straight to the outside of the iron gate.


The man outside the Burmese man who was watching was found to be different. He only had a mouth to shout a tone, and the black shadow rushed to his front, so that he could not hold the rifle on his bullet in the speed at which he had no time to react.

Ye Jian, who took the lead, didn’t have time to shoot the gun. He simply used the risk, but he was the most powerful way. Before the other party had not fully responded, he directly shot the rifle in the other hand and fired at the two shadows inside. .

The two of them heard the sound and turned around. They knew something was found, but they were greeted by bullets that were shot continuously.

The Burmese man, who was slammed by the leaves, tried to put the muzzle up. The speed of Ye Jian was faster than him, and the finger was buckled and shot directly inside.

Not a precise shot, but a sweep of the past…


The bullets that were shot in succession were even more fussing. The bullets that swept through the body instantly ran through the body, and the Burmese men who robbed the rifle were yelling.

The cold-eyed Ye Jian made his greatest strength to rob the rifle, even if the other’s elbows slammed into the ground, hitting her chest continuously, hitting the chest ribs and hurting like a break, she did not let go.

Winning in danger, finding the best way to fight in the greatest danger, this is the way in which Xia Jinyuan teaches Ye Jian.

Individual soldier action, more weapons in the hands of the leaf to learn to use, use the battlefield, so as to get a glimmer of life, even the escape weapons are available.

The two men in the dungeon fell silently, and the screams of the Burmese men were louder.


The trigger was fired by Ye Jiande’s rifle and fired continuously until the barrel began to redden. The bullet shot to the ground for a while, then shot to the left and right, and then shot to the top. The large piece of wall soil fell, not narrow. The dungeon was completely surrounded by gunshots.


Prompt no airy squeaking sounds, the chest was hit by the throat, the sweet leaves of Jane finally closed, the already mad Man of the Man’s eyes were full of guns and smashed to Ye Jian.

The gunshots were confusing outside, and the punches in the dungeons burst into flames. Ye Jian solved the Burmese men who prevented her from leaving in a fighting manner.

The elbows became a ‘V’ angle, and the jaws were pinched to each other’s neck. The teeth were bitten and then forced to the outside. A sound of “咔嚓” sounded in the cervical vertebrae, and the Burmese man with his face flushed suddenly drooped and had no breathing.

Yesterday, six thousand words still owe a chapter, I remember.

(End of this chapter)

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