Chapter 4741 wrath

The target leaf that needs to be solved has always been hard-hearted, and never swayed the enemy.

The first time she went abroad to fight, facing a young Pakistani teenager, she had hesitated. It was the summer and the present that stood side by side, reminding me that she had not made a big mistake.

The battlefield is kind and will only cause disaster for yourself.

She has learned the cruelty in war, even if the other party is younger, as long as he is in danger, he will never be kind because of his age.

When I loosened my arm, there was a sudden pain in the muscles, and then the fingers trembled.

That is the muscles are too tight, causing a transient imbalance.

Pressing the muscles of the right arm of the stone, until the stiff rumbling came, the fingertips felt the heat of the **** dredge, and Ye Jian stood up and walked toward the dungeon.

She needs weapons in hand and is ready to use.

In the dungeon, two Burmese men who were shot down to the ground did not immediately die. Ye Jian went in and heard their weak struggles.

Picking up one of the rifles, then unloading the rifle of the other rifle, and touching the waist between the two men, taking a sharp machete from the waist of one of the men. This is the man in the stockade. It is often used for knives and bamboo knives for self-defense.

The blade is not bent by two fingers, it is a crescent moon. It is a bit like a sickle used to cut rice in farmland, but it is several times sharper than a sickle.

Leaving the bow at the waist, pointing the gun at the two people who had a breath and hitting the heart, Ye Jian turned and walked out of the dungeon.

She needs to go to the “Liu” surname and poison police undercover.

There are gunshots everywhere in the stockade, and there are people sent by General Minley, who have Wu Jinkun secretly sneaked into the stockade, and… Lina’s own people.

The sudden firing of the person sent by General Minley did not bring harm to Lina. On the contrary, it was more convenient for Lina to leave.

Originally, Wu Jinkun only needed to target Lina. Nowadays, the one-on-one situation has become one-on-two. For three consecutive times, the people sent by General Minley have been suppressed by firepower. Wu Jinkun, who is very annoyed, hates the alveolar bite. Go to “giggle”.

He did not think that he has now become the rear of Lina who can escape smoothly!

Lina, who was ready to flee early, took a lot of cash all the way. Listening to the sound of gunshots in the back, Lina, who was on the car’s waist, looked out of the window and gave a sneer to the corner of her mouth.


Closing the brown window glass, the sound of the scent of Lina Jiao disappeared between the lips and teeth. In the passing fire, it was faintly visible that the sneer at the corner of her mouth turned into a smug color.

She, not as stupid as the singer, thinks that climbing the general can rest easy.

General Miner’s heart is hot, and his brother Wu Jinkun can count on his calculations. Such a general who is so eager to calculate and be so heart-wrenching, she knows that he must be careful when selling his life, and know that if the wind is wrong, it is best to choose to leave in time.

You must never make a mistake of being a good-looking person. You think that once something really happens, the general will see that he can open up on a part of his friendship.

The car started, and several layers of glare in the mountains of Lianli were illuminated. The motor was running at high speed and drove out of the cottage at the speed of the arrow.

In the night, the canopy swayed, the gunshots were confusing, and the leaf rushed out of the leaf, no matter who was in front, as long as she was shot at a rate, she said that they were all criminals who must be killed, no difference.

(End of this chapter)

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