Chapter 4754 does not let go

“The second goal is quite cautious.” Liu Ning of the micro-bow of the back is stuffy with a voice, and the strong wind blows his voice into the leaf and is slightly blurred.

“Since the U-turn comes back, we are not as good as…” In the wind, Ye Jian’s cool voice floated into the ear of Liu Ning, who had been in the arms of Wu Jinkun for three years. When the cool voice disappeared, Liu Ning eyes There is a smile in it.

“it is good.”

He answered Ye Jian in one word, saying that he completely believed in Ye Jian and cooperated with all arrangements.

As the motorcycles accelerated again, the jeep that turned back was not yet in the place they thought was the most suitable.

If you don’t stop, they will not meet up with the people who are chasing them before!

“get off!”

The driver stopped and quickly pushed the door open.

The other two people in the car all got off the bus. The driver who got off the bus quickly opened the trunk and took three shots with one hand. The three men took the gun in their hands.

The speed of the action was very fast. The jeep hidden in the corner opened four doors. The three people hid behind the open door and looked at the front with a cold look. They only waited for the motorcycle to come, no matter who shot it.

After three minutes, the sound of the motorcycle engine was from far to near, and the lights that turned on suddenly disappeared. The three people waiting for the gun behind the hidden door slammed down.

what’s the situation?

No one dares to cross the thunder pool easily. Only guess what action the other party will have, and be alert to avoid being attacked.

The motorcycle lights that illuminate the mountain road went out, and the engine sounded in the same place. The three men tightened their guns and bite their teeth into the cheeks.

The Burmese man hiding the back door whispered, “How many people will there be?”

“I don’t know, suddenly stopped to find us guarding?” Hide the Burmese man’s haze opening behind the front left door, “Mom, will you turn around?”

They deliberately turned their heads back to the flames and wanted to solve them immediately.

Nowadays, the motorcycle has not moved in place, but it has turned off, Mom! I am afraid to find out!

“Wait, turn your head and chase!” The Burmese man behind the driver’s door was cold and cold, but his voice was hoarse, but the enthusiasm was not as good as the other two.

He is the most trusted and most versatile confidant of Lina, except for the driver Lana. Some people need to solve it outside.

Lina let him stay, only because she was afraid of being chased by someone around General Minley.

His expression was **** and fierce, like a beast feeding food, and even the breath of breath was full of blood.

The sound of the motorcycle engine without the headlights suddenly increased, and it rushed straight ahead. The man’s mouth was cool and cool, “One, two, three… shot!”


The bullets of the gun were as dense as the rain, and the motorcycle was shot without a slowdown. The fingers were pressed against the trigger, and even if the muzzle was hot and smoked, it did not stop.

Such intensive shooting can directly hit people to the broken limbs and die on the spot.

Then, the speed of the motorcycle still did not slow down, and the speed that was just rushed out was directly hit by the jeep. At the same time, the counter-attack bullet was fired at the position of the jeep.

The leaves on the hills passed through the thick trees, even if those with the tough branches whipped through the wounds that she had laboriously wrapped, and the pain around the wounds organized the tremors, she did not stop, and tightened Liu Ning’s rifle to her with a strong hand. Go to a tree.

Quickly put the rifle on the shoulder into the hand, the barrel is placed on the branch and moved with the high-speed driving of the motorcycle.

(End of this chapter)

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