Chapter 4755 The flesh and blood

The motorcycle shot by the dense bullets stayed in place and continued to rush.

“Mom! Go away! Go away! Go back!”

The Burmese men, who were even bloody, finally found the same and shouted loudly.

No one on the motorcycle! The motorcycle has moved hands and feet! Even if they finish the bullets, the motorcycles that move their hands will not stop!

Only one motorcycle with the taillights rushed out. After all, no one controlled the driving. The motorcycles that moved their hands and feet could not turn by themselves. When they rushed out of the corner, they fell to the bottom of the cliff.


A bullet was fired from the rifle in Ye Jian’s hand, and the air was cut through the air with a murderous sharpness toward the motorcycle fuel tank.


Another bullet hit the barrel and followed the first hair.

The first bullet hit the motorcycle fuel tank first, but the second bullet, which was followed by a slow 0.01 second, also hit the fuel tank.


The fuel tank exploded, the second bullet splattered Mars through the fuel tank, Mars ignited the oil in the box, and the explosion sounded, and the cloud of light with a cloud of light exploded instantly, illuminating the surroundings.

Discover the target!

The barrel of the tube above the branch moves, and the eye-catching eye is aimed at the target.


The third bullet rushed out of the barrel and went straight to the target that the crosshair was aiming at.

Target person: the hindbrain.

The warhead penetrated the hard brain, crushed the skull, shattered the brain tissue and then came out from the middle of the eyebrow with **** broken bones.

The bulletman did not even fall to the ground, and his head was blasted. He died on the spot, blood, and slowly flowed out the small stones in the mountain road.

“Gong! Gong!”

Another man from the Burmese rushed into the glare of the fire, and found the companion in the gun, screaming and screaming, “Someone on the mountain! Someone on the mountain!”

He raised his hand and hit the mountain blindly.


The bullets were dense enough to interrupt countless branches and cut countless leaves. He madly swept the bullets that didn’t care if they shot them.

Ye Jian was not in the direction of his shooting, and the other party’s crazy move gave her a chance.

The motorcycle detonated by the fuel tank has fallen to the cliff, and the glaring fire has gradually disappeared, but the fire below the cliff is flashing.

The leaves of the woods ignited by the fire clouds emit the sound of “squeaky”, the smell of burning wood and the fuel and smoke are mixed with the mountain wind.

The man with the **** Burmese man was the fastest hidden. He looked up at the mountain and looked up at the leafy mountains. He shot too fast, and he did not find the shotgun on the mountain. Where is it hidden?

There are at least two people!

One person on the mountain, there is one person in front!

It should not be the Chinese girl that Lina wants to solve. It is very likely that the general will be the killer sent by the generals. Only the generals have these talents!

Then I saw the companion standing in the middle of the mountain road and shooting in madness. In front, there was no movement on the mountain. The Burmese man with blood and suffocation pressed his throat and drank. “Yeah, come over! Come over!”

“They killed the tribute and killed the tribute! I want to kill them! I want to kill them!” The man known as “Jesus” began to retreat, but still did not stop shooting.

No matter how many bullets can’t stand his crazy shooting here, the back is only due to the need to change the magazine.

The leaf hidden by the oblique angle moves the muzzle with the movement of the other party. When the muzzle slightly deviates from the right side of the target heart, it is not known that the hands that have stained their blood or blood of others have pulled the trigger.

(End of this chapter)

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