Chapter 4756 Madness


The bullets sounded, and a boring, monotonous voice rushed out of the Burmese man’s throat in the chest, and the shooting stopped, and the whole person went forward.

In the ignited grass and fire, the Burmese man, who is close to the mountain, saw his companion in front of his own eyes, and saw his eyes screaming fiercely, picking up the micro-rush and sweeping in the oblique direction.

He knows where the people who shot are hidden!

Just in the direction of the bevel!


The bullet fired again and again, and Liu Ning listened to the gunshots that had shot above the mountain. The cat tightened his waist and rushed to the front of the jeep’s front.

Without hesitation, he immediately shot and fired.

The leaf that jumped down the tree was once again scratched by a stray bullet. The warhead was wiped from the outside of her thigh, and the hot warhead left a **** mark on her leg.


The leaves close to the bushes are hard to burst, and the individual soldiers are fighting… It’s not a general difficulty, and it’s a little bit of a direct intention!

Then rely on the partner!

Ye Jian, who couldn’t get up at all, licked a shrub in his mouth, hurting, hurting every wound, and chewing something in his mouth to divert attention.

A few pieces of gravel crushed by bullets fell, and some just hit the back of the leaf, and the taste of the rain was not good. The leaves that endured the pain were shot by Liu Ning, and the other side had to take care of both sides. I slowly walked forward.

She did not step back, but moved forward.

If Liu Ning does not hit the other side, then she will clip from the front and the two will work together to win.

Just don’t know… how far Lina will escape.

As for whether I can find Lina, I really don’t worry. There will be traces left by her in the mountains. If there are traces, I can find Lina.

She said that no matter if Lina flies to the ends of the earth, she must find her!

Twisted the body and moved, even the gasps were tight, and several bullets were fired. The bullet hit the hard rock with green moss and burst into Mars. The leaves buried in the mind were deeply breathing the dirt and the leaves. Smell, temporarily interrupted crawling.

In front of the jeep’s front, Liu Ning fired again.

He has a limited amount of bombs and can’t shoot like crazy.

Ye Jian crawled again, grabbed the bushes with both hands, and pulled his body hard. “Zh…” The shoulder gunshot was pulled, and the stuck warhead seemed to move down the lower position. It hurts that Ye Jian’s belly is tight and his face is pale as paper.

There is no harm, but it will be dangerous to lose too much blood.

But she can’t stop!

When the other party needs to change the magazine, Ye Jian heard a low-pitched voice coming from below. The black scorpion suddenly lit up and jumped up, grabbed the bush with both hands, and crossed the gap between the tree and the tree to find a place to jump to the mountain road. .

The cold voice drifted from the mountains into the Liu Ning ear of the same **** arm. “He didn’t add a magazine! Fast!”

The voice came, and the faces of both of them on the mountain road changed.

Liu Ning is happy, while the Burmese man is cool.

The voice of a woman!

It is the woman who was transferred from China!

She is not dead!

Liu Ning, who has a happy face, is very cold and twilight. The other party has no magazines to add, and he also has no guns!

Oh shit!


The pistol was thrown away, and Liu Ning rushed out of it, and the eyes were straight and barely punched.

The man who added the impeachment did not know what was lost. The Burmese man quickly reacted, and his fiercely raised fists slammed into the shadow of himself.

There is also a little goblin who has live-winning YSL round lipstick. I have not contacted me. I will send the prize tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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