Chapter 4763

Ye Jian did not intend to reluctantly, and she could solve the problem with weapons. She certainly would not choose to use her fist to solve it. Just like Lina went down the mountain, Ye Jian thought of solving the Lina with the micro-rush.

Ten minutes passed, the military satellite phone placed on the side shook, and Ye Jian looked at her eyes and Lina called.

After taking it easy, Liu Ning gave her flashlight a flash of three crowns toward her side. Lina’s cool voice like a snake letter came from the phone. “Look around, we will come over soon.”

She is talking about “we”, obviously, there are people around.

Just don’t know who it is.

She has seen the bodyguards around Lina, and the most diehard is Angwen. The whole day is inseparable. I don’t know what to say. The two of them still have some unclear relationship. In fact, there is no relationship at all, that is, diehardness.

Liu Ning mentioned that there is also a professional killer around Lina, who rarely shows up, but will clean some of Lina’s untreated tails and never let Lina have a headache.

There are very few appearances… Ye Jian is not sure if he has seen it.

Professional killers are even more difficult than the mercenaries, but also good at hiding the powerful characters. The special training and special forces have a fight. This type of people usually rarely show up, and everything is hidden and hidden. It is not easy to find their identity.

Usually, the people who find them are dead people.

Ye Jane turned off the flashlight and quietly hid on the side of the rock, waiting patiently for Lina.

After another ten minutes, Ye Jian heard that the beasts in the mountains had stepped on the shreds of dead wood, and one by one, it was also close to the patience.

Ye Jian has a low cough, and An Wen’s cough is disguised exactly the same, even if it is carefully discerned, there is no difference.

“Angwen…” The sound came from the front side at eleven o’clock. Ye Jian reopened the flashlight and illumined toward the eleven o’clock. He saw Lina’s low-headed hands open the shrub branches that prevented her from walking.

There was no pause for a second, and Ye Jian buckled the micro-rush trigger.

“砰砰砰砰…砰砰砰……” is not a shot, but a fully automatic sweep, the bullets are shot one by one and shot toward the front.

Lina said “we” in her mouth, but actually there is only Lina in front of Ye Jian, how many people are there around her, who are those people, Ye Jian did not think about it when she learned that Lina brought people over. .

Her first goal is Lina, and it is the end of the whole task to solve Lina.

As for the others, I saw the natural solution and did not see it. She would not drill into the woods to find a time to delay her return.

Solving Lina is the most important thing, and it is the final chapter of the whole chaos.

The city’s anti-drug police locked Lina as the second target. General Miner was the first target. Now the Golden Triangle drug scorpion is dead in Lina’s stockade, and Lina is the general of Minle. General Lai also sent someone to go up the mountain to solve Lina. The three sides triggered the big battle. Wu Jinkun was solved by the generals of General Minai, and Lina who fled naturally would have told General Miner that she was solved by Wu Jinkun.

The whole chaos, the Chinese side is on the wall, no one will doubt that the Chinese side has participated, and no one will think that the generals who have been rushing to the south for the first half of the year will be the Chinese police.

General Miner was the warlord of the Burmese warrior. The Chinese side couldn’t help him, but he could still do it if he was busy.

(End of this chapter)

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