Chapter 4476 devours

Liu Ning, hidden in the shrubs on the side of the mountain road, was shocked by the bursts of gunshots. His hands lightly pressed down the long grass that covered his sight, and the bloodshot eyes lifted up to look at the mountains.

Fired, and it was fired unilaterally!

Is the leaf simple to open fire? Or is the person around Lina firing alone?

Liu Ning, who had a dull pain in his back, took a bite of juice and licked his mouth, and the old grass licked his tongue, and chewed and looked at the top of the mountain. His eyes were not blinking for a moment.

In the mountains, Ye Jian opened the gun, and Lana also shot at the same time, cutting off Ye Jian’s shooting.

The two sides exchanged fire, and Liu Ning spit out the hard grass that was only chewed to the roots. The hands were dead and tight on both sides of the grass, and the breath was louder than the one.

Oh shit!

Can’t go wrong!

If she is not injured on her shoulder, she will be hurt by her enthusiasm for the professional killer around Lina.

In the mountains, Lina, who fell down the shrubs, widened her eyes, staring in the darkness of the front.

“Ang… Angwen…”

Her voice is low, and it is quite difficult to breathe intermittently. “You… betrayed… betrayed… I, you…”

A swearing story has not been finished, and the bursts of gunshots in a row have swallowed her voice again.

This is the second counterattack by Rana.

Hide the leaf behind the rock and strengthen the side of the body. Directly hit the front 10 points in the direction of the bullet. The bullet is fired from the 10 o’clock direction. Then, the person who shoots is the “we” in Lina’s mouth!

Only one person!

Lina only took him when she fled into the mountains. So, she met another mysterious professional killer next to Lina?

In the gunshot, Jane heard the sound of heavy objects dragging. Someone was dragging the injured Lina to hide, and the leaf hidden by the side was swept out, and the direction was 11 points, and spread across the area!

The sound of the gun stopped, and the mountains were silent. Only when the wind blew through the leaves brought the sound of “sand”.

Lana dragged Lina to the side of the **** of the mountain. Her hands wanted to hold on at least three blood holes in Lina, but she also knew that he had done nothing but could not save Lina.

Take off your T-shirt, and then forcefully tear the leg that first hit Lina with two shots.


The bullet in front was like a topping, splashing the dead leaves above, and a few dead leaves falling directly on Lina.

The sweaty Lana did not stop the dressing. “He is not Angwen, no. It should be the people around the general.”


Lina knows that she hasn’t lived for a long time. She has been smothered by her **** hands and clings to Lana’s clothes. The pair is not carefully maintained. The darker hands are close to each other. It seems that she can only live. Go on.

She wants to say why it is not Angwen, and the voice is exactly the same.

Rana couldn’t answer because he didn’t know.

It is clearly the voice of Angwen, but he is sure that it is not Angwen.

Since it is not Angwen, how can we explain the sound?

“Kill it, kill it…” Lina, who had blood in her mouth, confessed, “Kill them all… Kill! Kill! I am waiting! Wait!”

She doesn’t want to die, she doesn’t want to die!

She has to wait for the person who killed her to die first! She is waiting!

Lana took Lina out of the pistol at her waist and slammed the pistol sleeves twice. “Get it and kill them.”

Lina had three shots in her body, but it wasn’t the key to the guns. The flashlight of Ye Jian flashlight suddenly turned to her moment. The sensational Lina suddenly felt a huge horror and made a subconsciously bent down.

(End of this chapter)

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