Chapter 4765

And Ye Jian was jealous of another professional killer around her, and found that only Lina alone, immediately chose to blindly, so that Lina temporarily came back to life.

That is, she can still live for a while. She is shot in the abdomen and she has two shots in her leg. If she can’t rescue him immediately, she will live tonight.

Ye Jian, who was shooting along the tearing of the clothes, had left the original shooting point. She did not want to fight, but the premise needed to confirm whether Lina was still alive.

Is the tearing of the clothes for Lina to stop bleeding?

Then, she can’t even leave now!

Lana wanted to lead the leaf stalker in front of him, and both of them succumbed to the enemy, but the micro-crush bullets in the hand were also left, and the gaze of Lana chose to fight.

Abandoning the shooting, he bent tightly and step by step. He was a professional killer, and Ye Jian was a professional soldier. If the two sides met with a fight, it was definitely an endless **** battle.

Therefore, Ye Jian did not want to fight.

She has a gun, and there are two additional impeachments, and why bother to choose the best way to fight.

At the moment, the sound of the guns stopped, and Ye Jian came out and shot in a row while approaching the **** of the mountain.

Her repressive shooting on Lana had to be thrown away, and the movement brought out undoubtedly told Ye Jian where he was now, and Lana, who was completely chased by Ye Jian, had been breathing.

Hard to wrap! He met a very difficult guy!

The other party knows him, but he doesn’t know each other!

Lana, who was gloomy in the eyes, closed his eyes and pulled out the scimitar that the Kachin did not leave. He bet on it!

Once again, he threw himself out of the hiding place and heard the moving leaf Jane fire again. At the same time, a sharp machete passed through the bullet and directed straight into the direction of Ye Jian.

If you don’t hit the key, you only need to plunge into any part of the other body.

The scimitar squirted and flew straight. Ye Jian only felt the sound of “whistling” in the air, and the sound of the leaves being cut off by something. The conscious body went away and heard something in the next second.” The sound of slashing into the trees came.

Knife, that is the knife that spins over and plunges into the trees.

Although the knife is fast enough, it is almost as fast as a bullet.

The cool-colored Ye Jian took the last few shots of the micro-rush and finished the whole body. When the tree was turned over, the old and new magazines were replaced.

Ye Jian, who is used to the dark battle, is extremely keen. She hears the weak but still unrelenting breathing sound coming from far away, smelling the **** wind in the mountain wind.

The professional killer around Lina is playing!

It’s not that the other party is not terrible, because they didn’t even think that “Wenwen” had a fake, and they were the first to take the lead.

Lana grabbed the ribs under the bullet, and the face that had no expression on the murder showed painful color. This time, I was afraid that I would plant it!

There are still a few bullets in the micro-rush, and he still wants to keep fighting, and now it is a problem.

During the respite, Ye Jian touched the hard-pressed Lina.

Lina, who didn’t even have the strength of her pistol, heard very light and light footsteps. She leaned against the tree, her mouth smiled, and used her last strength to lift the pistol from the bullet.

“go to hell!”

She was biting her **** teeth, and she shot at the front.

“You haven’t died yet, how can I die?” The cool voice floated, and Lina’s pupil shrank as she shrank, holding her hand tightly and forcing her to shoot above the mountain.

“The piles of bones in the back of the mountain cave are waiting for you to accompany them. I haven’t sent you in, but how can I die?”

The sound is cold and bones, and with the enthusiasm of the soul, Lina spits out the words, “It’s you!”

It’s you!

The girl who was transferred from the Chinese!

La la la, I will see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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