Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4771 - Around the finger

Chapter 4771

At ten o’clock in the evening, Xia Jinyuan, who never smoked, ignited one cigarette after another. One person sat in the base playground, and the figure was still sitting.

At least 20 cigarette butts at the feet.

He didn’t smoke much, just put it on his mouth and put it in his hand, letting the smoke burn out in his hand.

The G3 that was sent out by the sentinel was at least half an hour in front of it. The captain of the snowy brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Xiazhong, did not find it, but he found it in front of Xia Jinjin.

A little red cigarette between the fingers flashed a few times, thrown into the playground, the tip of the shoe crushed the fireworks, Xia Jinyuan looked up, “How have you not slept? Do you plan to go out tomorrow?”

The opening voice was hoarse to scare yourself.

G3 approached and his nose moved slightly. “How do you smell shampoo? Did you drink alcohol and change to shampoo?”

“Roll.” Xia Jinyuan lifted his foot and sneaked into the past, “disturbing Laozi quiet.”

G3 sat down, the smell of shampoo smelled even stronger, and even if I cut the head of Xia Jinyuan, even if it was cut into a flat head, the root hair also revealed the hair of the unruly hair, and laughed. “You don’t wash your head.” Half will come out.”

It was really said by G3.

Xia Jinyuan is hard to get nervous, and he looks up and touches the hair that is a little bit tied. “Well, I remember it seems to be washed.”

“Washing a fart, a shampoo taste.” G3 laughed at the corner of his mouth and smacked it. He went to Xia Jinyuan’s head and smashed it. “It’s still sticky. Going back to the watering point can make a bubble.”

It is estimated that it is really not washed.

Xia Jinyuan touched it and did have sticky hair. He twitched his mouth slightly, and laughed, and G3 was so tight in his heart.

“I thought you were asleep before, and the sentinel walked around and found that you are, don’t dare to approach. Going another round, you are still there. Don’t worry, I rushed around to find me on the third lap. I am afraid that you can’t think about it for a while. Play suicide.”

G3 looked at the captain who was not as good as the flagpole. The voice was low and a lot. “Why, I want Ye Jian? Isn’t it going to her school tomorrow? Seeing, the lovesickness is getting better.”

“I just washed my hair, and when I washed it halfway, I suddenly saw her standing in a **** body. I didn’t know what to read in my mouth. The blood flowed to the scary, and the blood flowed for three minutes.”

In the mind of Xia Jinyuan, who washed his hair, he suddenly flashed such a frame. The heart gave him almost a pain, thinking that he had to die young, and the mixture was stiff, and he even forgot to wash his head.

I don’t know what to do in my hand, but it’s the first one.

When they were shouted out by the sentinel, they were scared by the sentinel’s eager appearance, and they thought that their captain really wanted to commit suicide. The G3 ran all the way, and then he was relieved.

Not disturbing, but also let the sentinel circumvent this piece and stand side by side.

He did not dare to come over and easily disturb, for fear of being too disturbed, and would be able to bend the waist, regardless of the wind and rain, the waist bar will always be straight, such as a long shot, and the flagpole stands.

Just stay with it until the night is deep.

“When you go, you can see it. How can you not attend the graduation ceremony?” G3 doesn’t know how to comfort, but he has to say something, how can he stay with him?

Xia Jinyuan smiled lightly, and Zhang Junya’s unparalleled handsome face followed the pouring of Huanglian juice, and even his eyes were filled with bitterness. “My mother felt that she was somewhat emotional, you are right, I looked at her. Oh, the reality is all about the cockroaches under your own eyes.”

“I am afraid of it when I am out of my sight and out of my scope. Old India, I am really afraid of it. I am afraid of death, I am afraid of becoming a bear.”

(End of this chapter)

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