Chapter 4772 recognizes

This “scared” can scare the G3 to the heart.

He whispered, “You don’t want to tell me, don’t plan to let her come to our team.”

“Hey, don’t say, I just thought about it that way.” Xia Jinyuan laughed and laughed at G3 and felt that he had to commit a heart attack. He took a sip of the climate and went back. “You have less idea! You can’t!”

“Yes, I can’t help me. So, I just think about it, and I just think about it. Take the military’s identity on one side, the ordinary man’s thinking, ordinary and selfish thinking.”

“You said, this road is my way to take her with me, I am afraid, who will give her hard air in the future, who will support her?”

“I can’t be afraid, I’m afraid I have to endure it. I can’t let her see me. She is chasing me with one heart and one mind, fighting with me. I have been telling her that I will wait. Finish, turn and tell her. I am afraid of my mother, oh, she must raise her hand and slap me.”

“So, I am afraid that I have to endure, I have to tell her to be brave, tell her that the special forces have to be like her. What are the bloodshed fears, our clothes are thick, the blood flowing out can be held for a few days, Drink a few bowls of pork liver soup and make up for it.”

“Old India, blood is not afraid. I am afraid… I am afraid she is dead…”

The fluttering voice is floating, and the hand with a bubble can’t be poked, the wind can’t blow, the sun can’t shine, and it’s broken into slag.

In the heart, G3 closed his eyes with a stabbing G3, and then buried his face in his rough palm. Hey, squatting, and peeling off the old skin on his face.

Xia Jinyuan looked at him with a low voice, listening to the “唰唰” 搓 face, touching the G3 with his elbow, “Take the wire ball to wipe the face? Minger back to the scorpion still recognize you?”

“Do you want to be comforted?” The guns were so thick that their faces were like the G3 of the steel ball, and they looked at Xia Jinyuan, who was stunned. “Do you spit ivory?”

“I sat well, I meditated, you ran to bother me, I haven’t found you yet. Go, don’t comfort me. Which kid is patrolling tonight, I will wash the toilet tomorrow.”

G3 stunned, and they were completely incapable of having them. This captain, who has never been able to explore with ordinary people’s eyes, has nothing to do.

When he said that he had something, he said that peace often makes no difference, and the opening can make people stutter.

It’s okay to say that he’s okay, those “fear” and “blood” are all abnormal.

Where can he be afraid, he did not see him afraid at all!

That is not afraid, it is the most normal worry of a man to a loved one.

Not because he is a soldier, he is not worried about his girlfriend’s qualifications.

Xia Jinyuan saw that the look of G3 changed and changed. It was like constipation for a while. After a while, it was like an internal injury. He raised his hand and patted the shoulders of his comrades. “I think I estimate that there are some endocrine disorders, and I need to do a few doses of Chinese medicine.”

“After a while, my heart was flustered, and I was bitterly saddened by Lin Daiyu. I calmed down and thought about it again and again, and felt that nothing was going on. I was simply tossing myself.”

“I’m afraid, blood is good, no life is good, I recognize it, I fully recognize it. As long as she likes it, I recognize it.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let her come to the team. Let’s set it up in the team! After I became her captain, I have to look at Lao Yang and dare not stare at me again.”

The last sentence said that he was gnashing his teeth, so that the younger general of the head of Jingli had inexplicably chilled.

(End of this chapter)

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