Chapter 4773: Gentleman Ruyi

G3, I also think that Xiazhong School estimates endocrine disorders, bite the teeth: “I really should do a month of Chinese medicine adjustment, and then continue, I will be tossed out by you.”

“But you are not sick, your girlfriend disappears for a few months. If you are a boyfriend, if you don’t worry about it, then it is not normal.”

“You are in a normal situation and can understand. It is normal to have a soldier in the day and worry about his girlfriend at night.”

“Young people, don’t think about it, go to Xiangcheng tomorrow, wait for Xiaoye. Come back in a few days, pack your radiance!”

When the day is dark and the night falls, Xia Jinyuan, who is a man, also fades the strength of the soldiers during the day, revealing the most tender side of the man.

This tenderness is a mixture of flesh and blood. The core is a man who is deeply in love with a woman. He is a soldier and a man, and naturally he is also vulnerable.

Therefore, it has nothing to do with the feelings.

As a man, he is worried about the safety of his girlfriend, tossing and turning, and not sleeping at night, the most normal.

G3 does not think it is a sentimental, he heard a man deeply missed a woman.

“How long do you plan to sit? Take the plane tomorrow.”

“Let’s sit down again.”

“What’s so good to sit? It’s more than two in the morning.”

“Don’t worry, wait a minute.”

“What are you waiting for?”

“Wait for the phone, there is news for this two nights.”


“Roll, don’t bother me.”

In the playground, the captain of the Snowy Brigade, Q King, and the G3, who only accept the temporary “instructor” position, swept the daytime wise god, and it was better to talk than the three-year-old.

At three in the morning, the Deng team, who was sleeping at the desk, received the call again. The entire vicious team was surrounded by the ocean of joy.

The success is ahead, their heroes are back!

“Fast, helicopter, helicopter pick up! Medical staff are all in place, arrange quickly! Fast!”

In the anti-drug squad, the voice of Deng’s captain like Hong Zhong was introduced into the ears of all the anti-drug police. At that moment, the office building of the entire brigade was boiling.

The heroes in the black and white photos in the “photo wall” that quietly accompanied the comrades seemed to laugh too.

The road is still growing, some people fall down, some people are advancing, and they go to the follow-up to carry out the peace and tranquility! !

At five o’clock in the morning, five minutes later, Xia Jinyuan, who has been sitting in the playground, feels that the mobile phone on one side is shaking. G3 blinks and his mouth is silent. “Is there a letter?!”

Not really believe it!

Xia Jinyuan’s mouth is laughing at the corner of the mouth, the breeze is loose, and the gentleman is like a donkey.

In the middle of the night, the sentinel of a military base silently watched the middle of the night and did not sleep. The spirit was so strong that the captain who was running even couldn’t help but groan. “What steps do you not sleep in the middle of the night, can your brain fall?”

Yang Shaoqing is refreshed.

After smashing him for a few months, he was chased by Xia Jinyuan every day. As of the early morning, he finally finished!

As for the injury, Ye Jian and Liu Ninglian did not say that Captain Deng, let alone Yang Major.

The first thing that went out of the mountains and returned to the prosperous city of Ye Jian was to take a bunch of medicines at the local pharmacy in Myanmar. It was not a big deal to find medicine in the border town with a blood. The pharmacy staff did not even ask. In the half sentence, the whole process calmly delivers the drug and ends the transaction.

By relying on the medicine bought back, the two seriously injured and reached the border and found the informant who could send them to leave the territory of Myanmar.

At five o’clock the next afternoon, the sky was still bright, and the sun remained warm. A helicopter took off from the border and flew directly to the best people’s hospital in Cheri.

The two accompanying medical staff saw the two injured, and even if they saw the usual death, they also had red eyes.

La la la, seeing more during the day, the next is to see you at night, it is estimated that it is early morning.

(End of this chapter)

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