Chapter 4793

In the face of praise, Ye Jian is not used to it. She is used to low-key behavior and does not want to preach.

After chatting with the instructor, Ye simply asked: “The class should not know my situation.”

The faculty did not know about Ye Jian. When she asked, the faculty knew what she was thinking and couldn’t help but laugh. “You, low-key is a good thing, but not everything can be low-key.”

“We won’t ask if we are injured, but you will be awkward if you get hurt. Also, if the military comes, there will be a huge surprise to reward you.”

“Can I refuse to surprise?”

“The decision of the military, you confirm can refuse.”

Ye Jian is silent, naturally can’t.

During the speech, the faculty secretly looked at the young lieutenant colonel who simply introduced his surname “Summer”. Xia Jinyuan, who was not afraid to look at it, looked at the faculty members and did not have the cautiousness when he could not be exposed.

When the underground romance is going to the sun, is it afraid to be known by the instructor?

Although not afraid, but did not deliberately mind myself, let the teachers secretly look at it.

Ye Jian could also hold his breath. The faculty did not ask her, but the host who presided over the graduation ceremony announced that the outstanding student representatives had taken the stage to speak. The people had not appeared yet, and the applause of the audience sounded like thunder.

Ye Jian, who didn’t want to take a wheelchair, was slowly lifted up by Xia Jinjin, and then the teacher walked slowly toward the platform. “Trouble you.”

“Four years of teacher-student friendship, this is a trouble.” The teacher smiled and carefully guarded Ye Jian from the background.

The voice of the host standing in the middle of the table was spread all over the corners of the large auditorium, and the words were clearly dropped into the ears of all the seniors.

“The next outstanding student I believe everyone is familiar with. We have heard her heroism on campus many times, her color, and this time… I think all of our students will be shocked by her appearance.”

“Please send a letter from the outstanding student representative Ye Jian to the stage! Applause!”

Although the host did not directly report the name, the students in the audience were clear in their hearts. On the last day of the graduation season, Ye Jianzhen, who had disappeared for a whole semester, returned to school!

The thunderous applause sounded again, and all the pictures in the darkness of the audience fell their eyes to the table. The applause was louder and more intense than once.

The applause of the rostrum was also very big. Yang Shaoguan looked at the female soldier who came out and was very pleased.

“Because of special circumstances, please give a little time to the seriously injured leaf, thank you.”

After the host finished, except for He Jing and Xu Wen, the audience were surprised. All the other students’ faces were amazed. When Ye Jian’s figure appeared on the platform, it’s like Li Jian’s slashing As she walked slowly, she let the students look awkward, conscientiously tightened, and sat better.

“Sorry, I have waited for my comrades. I am a conductor of the class, I am honored to stand here as a representative…”

The slender figure on the stage is as straight as a rifle, and the humiliation and humiliation accept thousands of sights and gaze. There is no stranger in the voice. The speech that has already been thought of is calm, if not before, she will come out very slowly. No one would have thought that she was seriously injured.

Only three minutes of speech, the calmly finished Ye Jian slowly raised his right hand and prayed to the podium and the audience.

In the applause, Jane just wanted to turn to step down, but the host smiled and let Ye Jian stop. Yang Shao, the podium, got up.

Syncope, a chapter repeated in the previous, has been replaced, in order to replace I put the two chapters of the day of the 19th update in advance. Therefore, there is a daytime wood on the 19th, and it has to be updated in the early morning.

(End of this chapter)

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