Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4794 - The true meaning of life

Chapter 4794, the true meaning of life

Ye Jian saw the young Yang on the podium in the background. In addition, the teacher in the background smiled and told her that the military department would give her a prize. This time, she saw that Yang Shaoqi got up and Ye Jiedun wanted to escape from the scene. impulse.

The host was also very powerful. I saw what I thought in Ye Jian’s heart. I joked: “Ye Jian, how do I feel that you can’t wait to escape from this platform?”

The students sitting under the stage laughed at the cuteness of the people in the school.

The host saw that the students were able to come out more or less.

Although the leaf Jane standing above is a school man, but it is very low-key, never mad because of her own power, she always wants to escape, she does not seem strange.

Fortunately, in the disciplined military school, and the solemn graduation ceremony, all the students obey the discipline and no one is whispering, although there is laughter, but it will soon stop.

The host said again: “Ye Jian, are you afraid that I will ask you why the injury is coming, so I just want to leave me?”

“Then you are wrong today, although I really want to know why the injury on your body came, but I know that even if I ask, you will never tell me, right?”

The leaf with the microphone in his hand smiled and smiled. “Yes, it hurts a little, not worth mentioning.”

Xu Wen and He Jing silently wiped their eyes.

What is a little bit of a minor injury, it is clearly a serious injury.

General Yang Shao has come over. The host immediately laughed and turned away from the topic. “I still give the microphone to the head, so the disciplinary order will not allow me to ask again.”

“Please come from the military military Major Yang to speak on the stage!”

In the neat and rhythmic applause, Major General Yang strode to the host, and the host and Ye Jian paid tribute to the military ceremony at the same time.

Yang, who took the microphone, walked to Ye Jian and immediately held the microphone and asked Ye Jian. “Can you still hold on for three more minutes?”

“Report, I can keep going!” Ye Jianyi responded strongly.

The young Yang, who got the answer, was facing all the students in the audience. The voice came deep. “I think all the students must know why I have to ask Ye Jian if I can still hold on for three more minutes. Because of the limited time, I will not More to say, please see the photo.”

“The photo will tell all the students, the reason I asked.”

The big screen in the center of the platform was originally projected with a bright red flag. With the words of Major General Yang, the students’ eyes were all big screens, and Ye Jian, who turned his head and looked back, was wrong.

How are there photos?

When did you shoot it?

She didn’t know anything at all.

“Don’t be nervous, this is your glory moment, Ye Jian, the military owes you a debt, but your glory must not be waived.”

Yang Shao, who turned off the microphone, said with a low voice that only two people could hear, and stabilized Ye Jian’s uneasiness.

“You are too low-key, and the next award must be made at the beginning, stand up to Jane, and welcome the glory that belongs to you!”

The leaf that was still in the wrong place was confined to the face and whispered, “Let you and the military have bothered.”

Major Yang scorned: “You, sometimes, exactly the same as Ayuan. Some military people who are vying for your military do not care in your eyes. It is yours. It should be given to you, not to bother, but to This should be the case.”

Ye Jian grinned, she did not care about military power, the true meaning of life, has nothing to do with name and interest.

(End of this chapter)

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