Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4796 - Honor and disgrace

Chapter 4796, Honor and Disgrace

On the day of graduation, the rank is granted, and only Ye Jian is one!

No jealousy, no jealousy, only blessings.

The students in the command class were excited and agreed that the school leaders said a word less, and should add one more sentence: “The class of the class is proud of you!”

Xu Wen applauded hard, and the tears were even more “哗哗” DC, and the mouth… still kept moving, and she didn’t know what she was saying.

If you listen closely, you can hear what she said.

“Excellent students are the rank of Shangyu, and Xiaojian has another five military exercises. It is still the rank of Shangyu! It should not be the rank of the major!”

Although the mouth is chanting, the strength of applause is not weak.

He Jing is not as excited as Xu Wen, that is, tears flow a little more.

On behalf of a soldier’s glory, on behalf of a military man’s merits, the school leader personally dressed for Ye Jian, “Ye Jian, you are the pride of the National Science University, the National Science University is proud of you. You are all students of our National University of Science and Technology. The role model, your spirit, your deeds deserve to be studied by every member of the National University.”

“I am graduating, I hope that you can make persistent efforts to apply the skills you have learned to the motherland and create more glory in the future!”

Five of them represent blood and sweat, and they are the medals that carry the glory of the soldiers. One by one, wearing the leaf of the chest, the school leader stepped back and gave the school a glory for the glory of the country.


Ye Jianli, lifting the hand, wearing the medals on the chest reflected the dazzling light through the light, together into the eyes of all the students in the audience.

Three times three levels, two seconds, the original Ye Jian has made countless achievements, and they thought she was only a student who won the title of “excellent student” every semester!

They thought that the school’s leaf syllabus was already very powerful, it was the height they couldn’t reach, and now I know that Ye Jian is not only so bad at school, even the school is so powerful!

Sometimes I want to work hard again, maybe I can surpass Ye Jian, and I don’t even think about it now!

The height that can’t be reached is the height that they can reach in their lifetime!

As the school leaders honored the military ceremony, the applause that sounded under the stage broke out again, and waited until Ye Jian returned to honor the military applause.

“Give the rank!”

The most sacred time came, the expressions of the students became very serious, and the atmosphere of the entire auditorium was changed. It was solemn and solemn, and no one dared to let go.

A young lieutenant colonel holds a badge with a captain of the captain and a tray of red satin on the platform. The young lieutenant colonel is extremely handsome, and the eyebrows are as bright as the sun, and they have a appearance. People are holding their breath and screaming at Hehe Junwei.

He came over and stood beside Ye Jian, with a light smile on his thin lips.

I have said that I hope that in the important days that belong to you in the future, I will be able to accompany you with honor and disgrace!

Ye Jian’s eyes looked at him for a moment, and his eyes were warm.

In a powerful voice, Major General Yang personally untied the shoulders of a student on the shoulder of Ye Jian, and whispered: “Excellent students have been awarded the rank of Shangyu, and you have made five merits, which can fully confer the rank of major, but graduated The award of the rank on the day of the ceremony is an exception, so you can only be wronged.”

“You know that it is good to grieve her. When she arrives in the team, please give the rank of major as soon as possible.” Next, the hand holding the tray witnessed the girlfriend from the trainee to the middle school officer of the active duty officer, and said, “I would rather not need it. The military arranged an graduation ceremony to give her an award!”

Good night, I will see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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