Chapter 4797, Oath

Chapter 4397

Major General Yang replaced Ye Jian with the rank of captain and replied in a low voice. “I know that you are not convinced, so I didn’t tell you before.”

“Now things are a foregone conclusion, you, or you are less angry, take care of Xiaoye. Don’t think I don’t know the relationship between you.”

“Summer team, I feel very good, you, don’t be angry.” Ye Jian whispered lightly, and in one sentence he stabilized Xia Jinyuan’s thin anger.

The rank of Shangyu has been changed for Ye Jian, and Yang Shao will make a complete epaulette and collar for Ye Jian, and then retreat to the military ceremony.

Because Ye Jian was the first to award a military rank to the seniors of this year, the applause from the audience was even louder than the one.

Ye Jian was awarded the last year’s seniors in the captain’s uniform. Many of the trainees and Xia Jinyuan believed that Ye Jian could completely graduate from the ranks. The five military merits were all used to fight back, and the rank of the major was completely ok!

Ye Jian, who officially established an active military officer from a student, gave a military ceremony to the school leaders, teachers, instructors, and students who applauded themselves, and solemnly sworn in under the military flag.

All the standing students are honored with military ceremonies and face the military flag.

“…I wholeheartedly serve the people, obey orders, strictly observe discipline, fight bravely, not afraid of sacrifice, be devoted to duty, work hard, practice hard to kill the enemy, resolutely complete the task, and never betray the motherland under any circumstances. Do not defect from the army.”

“Sworn: Ye Jian!”

“Sworn: Xia Jinyuan!”

The glorious moments belonging to Ye Jian reached the peak, and the students took a red heart with their palms. After a long time, all the students could remember how excited they were on the day, just as they were excited by the ranks.

The name of Ye Jian is always inscribed in the hearts of all the students.

On the day of graduation, he was awarded the rank of captain. No one said that he was fluent, and he was convinced.

After the one-and-a-half-hour graduation ceremony ended, the seniors who had left the field in turn went to say “goodbye”.

Ye Jian, who was in a wheelchair, was surrounded by the students in the class. Song Qiuqiu, who was red with his eyes, walked to Ye Jian and smiled. “Go, let’s take a graduation photo.”

This time, Xia Jinyuan did not follow again. At this moment, the time is a time of classmates, and he does not have to get close.

Standing in front of Major General Yang, his face was cold and Xia Jinyuan sent his girlfriend to be pushed away by the classmates. Immediately, he said: “Dr. Major, why should you hide me? Excellent students are the rank of captain!”

“There is no concealment of you. The award of Ye Jianjun on the day of graduation ceremony is entirely a temporary decision last night. You can rest assured that there is me, the major rank of Xiaoye who can’t run.”

“But you give me a wake-up call, fall in love and fall in love, don’t talk about the well-known bad ending! The rules and regulations have clear rules, do not allow love with the men and women of the army. You are a captain, you don’t know how to break the law, you want to be included. Ben?!”

Xia Jinyuan is not moving because of the change of the topic of the generals’ jumping. Jun Yan is still cold and watery. “I belong to her glory. I will definitely fight for her. From the middle to the major, this is a level. I hope to solve it as soon as possible!” ”

“As for my relationship with her, I am the captain in the army. She is a soldier. I will not change because of the relationship in my life. Please rest assured.”

“I promised, I will certainly be able to do it. I hope that the younger will be able to fight for her more, don’t let my soldiers chill.”

(End of this chapter)

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