Chapter 4800 Time

When Song Zhiqiu came in, Xu Wen and He Jing just packed up their luggage. They agreed to go to the hospital to see Ye Jian at about 3 pm.

He Jing saw Song Qiuqiu coming over and gently pushed Xu Wen. “You two talked about the conversation, and the rest of me came to clean up. Say, don’t say a few words and fall out with him.”

One distribution went to the province, one person continued to study and study, and the lover who was seen every day suddenly came to the separation of the two places, the mood… He Jing saw the heart.

Xu Wen looked at Song Zhiqiu and said nothing. The eyes were already red.

If there is more than just the pair in the big campus, no one but the other lovers will go to the same place when there are other lovers.

Fortunately, they are assigned to the same province.

The leaf with a low mood leaned against the seat and turned to look out the window, leaving only the slim back to Xia Jinyuan.

Both of them are wearing military uniforms, and they have to pay attention to the image when they want to be close.

Xia Jinyuan did not bother Ye Jian this time, let her be quiet.

When I got to the hospital, I closed the ward door, Xia Jinyin bent down and gently hugged my girlfriend in a wheelchair. “Cry, cry, sleep, sleep.”

The head of the head with his broad shoulders slowly closed his eyes, arched like a cat to his neck, and the familiar atmosphere gradually smoothed her inner part.

I only whispered a little later: “I didn’t want to cry, just give up. For four years in the same class, I haven’t said goodbye to them. It’s really different. I don’t know how many years I will meet next time.”

“Summer team, do you still meet after graduation?”

Xia Jinyuan, who avoided the wound and caressed her back, thought about it and shook her head and replied, “Since graduation, I have not seen them once, only occasionally contact with the mail.”

“There are several students in your class who are assigned to the Hakkar station in Xinjiang. I also have two comrades in the Hakka station. I will go out and buy some Xiangcheng specialties. Please bring them to the class, so that the teachers and brothers will Have a look.”

The students who graduated from the National University of Science and Technology have been assigned to the organs, and they have also been assigned to the most bitter and coldest borders.

In the future, it may not be possible to meet again in a lifetime.

“To spend four years with them, we must say goodbye when we say goodbye, sadness is human nature, but don’t affect yourself.”

“The time that belongs to them has passed, and this good time is well remembered in memory, and the best time is used to welcome the next time.”

The slanted body straightened up, and Xia Jinyuan, who was half-footed, held Ye Jian’s cheek and smiled. “Baby, the next time is the long-awaited day. When you are in the team, you are my soldier, I am you. The captain of the team must be prepared for my training.”

Seeing Ye Jian’s face is not tired, but because of graduation, there is sorrow in the eyebrows, and her Xia Jinyuan, who is distressed, simply finds a topic that allows Ye Jian to quickly come out of the sorrow.

Just about to talk in depth, the closed ward door was screaming, then the door handle was twisted, and the interrupted Xia Jinyuan brows lightly wrinkled, and some did not want to open the door.

Ye Jane pushed him a hand, and there was a shallow smile in his eyes. “How do you still lock the door? Go to the door, it should be a doctor.”

“When the doctor is gone, let’s talk about it again.” The wrinkled eyebrows unfolded and quickly kissed her forehead. Xia Jinyuan only got up and finished the military uniform and went to open.

Fortunately, habitually locked the door, not seen.

(End of this chapter)

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