Chapter 4801 slang

The ward door opened, and the doctor wearing a white coat walked in with a serious look, followed by several interns.

The doctor first saw Xia Jinyuan in a military uniform and was surprised: “No wonder, I said that you are walking more than our spirit, and it is also a soldier.”

When I saw the leaflet of a military uniform, the doctor said again: “I really can’t see you hurt.”

Then the doctor said to the intern behind him seriously: “You will also encounter special circumstances in the future, and you will not cooperate with the doctor’s patients, just like this patient will not cooperate with me.”

“The ward door can’t be locked. Once the patient is in danger, the medical staff can come in and rescue immediately. You lock the door, privacy is there, but there are hidden dangers.”

After the doctor finished, the next few interns bowed their heads and tried not to let the mouth rise.

Ye Jian’s face is hot, Xia Jinyuan seriously accepts criticism from doctors, and promises that there will be no next time, due to customary problems.

“When the soldiers are different, the attitude of acknowledging the mistake is so good, I am embarrassed to say it again.” The face of a serious doctor finally got a smile, then he checked the wounds with Ye Jian and changed the medicine by the way.

The dressing change can actually be handed over to the nurse. Considering that Ye Jian is leaving the hospital today, the doctor is afraid that the wound will be cracked before he can change the medicine himself.

The wound was very good and there was no cracking, so Xia Jinyuan was also praised by the doctor. He also smiled at Ye Jian: “You are a good boyfriend, care is very careful, and there is no problem I am worried about.”

“Looks like…” The doctor’s head is smothered with a **** the leaf, just to see that the middle school is standing cold and standing. The doctor said: “It doesn’t look like a carer.”

Xia Jinyuan, who stretched his forehead, endured a number of interns. After a while, the doctor insisted that he could breathe deep into his chest and smiled. He said: “The ward air conditioner is a bit big. Are you here? Ok, I will give my girlfriend a good dress.”

I only changed the half-sleeve dressing, and I knew that my boyfriend was careful.

There is no gender in the doctor’s eyes.

However, being surrounded by a few young interns, even if she only took off half of her sleeves, she was actually quite unnatural. With a careful boyfriend, the air conditioner was big, it was a bit cold.

The doctor looked at the two people and left a string of laughter when he left.

“The doctor has too many words, and it is also embarrassing.” Xiazhong School, who was taken away from the doctor, carefully held the leaf and lay it down. “Let’s face it, don’t press it on the waist. I just looked down and started to scare.” I can lie down and sleep soon.”

Ye Jane lay on her side, feeling that she had leaned back on the pillow and leaned back. She stretched her back for more than two hours and relaxed into her mouth. The long, lazy, squeaky sound was very comfortable.

“In the next few days, you can’t walk except the necessary walks. You can’t walk like this today. Fortunately, the wounds are not split.” Xia Jinyuan, who leans over the bed and tries to make Ye Jian comfortable, waits softly and can see everything from one move to another. Out of his caution.

“I don’t look like a carer? I will take care of my girlfriend!”

Finally, Xia Jinyuan, sitting on the side of the bed, took Ye Jian’s hand, and the child squirmed and let Ye Jian smile to the eyebrows. “You. The doctor just said casually, how can I feel relieved? I know that I How many men will take care of me, others will misunderstand better!”

(End of this chapter)

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