Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4803 - Boyfriend value burst

Chapter 4803, Boyfriend Value Bursting

In the afternoon, Xu Wen, Song Zhiqiu, He Jing and several other comrades who will leave school tomorrow will come to the hospital to visit Ye Jian. At 6 o’clock in the afternoon, Ye Jian, who is slightly reddish in the corner of his eyes, will leave He Jing who will leave Xiangcheng tonight.

The next day, Xu Wen left Ye Jian to say goodbye to her mobile phone. The other students who left the same were all the same.

Song Zhiqiu sent Xu Wen to the train station. Before the train started, he hugged Xu Wen and hugged it tightly. He leaned over to her ear and solemnly said: “Must wait for me!”

Xu Wen, who had a red eye, did not answer, only buried her in his arms and nodded hard.

She waits for him, then, will he wait for her?

Time will prove!

The next few days were parting days, one by one, the same way as the former classmates, and each side of the day stood in their respective positions and became an active serviceman.

Since then, the military school has become a memory for four years.

However, it is a foregone conclusion that Ye Jian needs to be decentralized. However, which army has become the topic of military-related leadership disputes.

The personal resumes of outstanding students of the military academy will be screened by the military. After the selection by the military, the unselected outstanding students will be assigned to other units. Ye Jian’s personal resume can be said to be golden and bright, and the better, the more relevant The more the unit strives to fight, the more controversial it is, and the harder it is to distribute.

The relevant units all want excellent students, and each holds a word. Although there will be no phenomenon of ignoring the table and quarreling the class, then the Jinli Tibetan needle may be bitter, and the complaints are all difficult.

Xia Jinyuan, who needs to have an internship period when he accepts his life to accept Ye Jian, still does not know that the military has been arguing for several days.

On the fifth day of Ye Jian’s reincarnation, the scars and scars on her face began to fall off. Under the careful care, the pale complexion caused by excessive blood loss also had a blood color that symbolized good color. The whole person was like a red with morning dew. Rose, beautiful in the middle, and bright in the middle.

Inadvertent smile, I can always laugh at the seven souls and six hexagrams of Xia Jinjin, laughing to let him secretly abandon himself many times and one day will be ticked off by the beauty.

Several units of the military department still have business and quantity, and they are not reluctant. They have let Yang Shao, who has been watching for a long time, want to make a table and tell them that when he is noisy, Ye Jian is also his soldier. Xia Jinyuan is careful to wrap the leaves. A good back strap with a right back.

Since today, Xia Jinyuan refused to nurse the dressing for Ye Jian, and once again became the “family of patients who do not cooperate with the doctor”.

The nurse did not agree at first. It is their responsibility to change the medicine. How can the patient’s family change the medicine?

Who is Xia Jinyuan? It is difficult to get a role in which even Major General Yang and Commander Xia have headaches. If he wants to do something, he will be influenced by others.

A serious saying, when it comes to Miss Nurse, I finally handed over the medicinal tray for medicine, and sat next to it: “Then try it, look at me.”

Xia Jinyuan said that their troops are remote, and the patient can’t stay in the hospital until the wound is completely recovered. It will definitely be wrapped around the troops. In order to complete the dressing change in the future, he wants to learn from today and try to change the leaf. medicine.

In short, the Dao Li Xiaoli said that the two nurses had one after another, and that the two nurses looked at each other and felt that if they did not let the young Lieutenant Colonel change the medicine today, they would feel deeply guilty.

Ye Jian saw the dedication of the nurse Miss Sister was said to move, but also actively teach, dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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