Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4804 - Boyfriend of someone else's family

Chapter 4804, Boyfriend of Others

What is the position of the wound bandage, how to deal with what kind of injury, these are the basic skills of the snowfield brigade special forces in the most basic battlefield first aid, so Xia Jinjin is very quick to get, so that the nurse Miss sisters are amazed.

Ye Jian silently looked at the invisible man who brushed a wave of charm, silently not to the first.

Fortunately, the nurses and sisters on the floor know that she and the Xia team are male-female friends, and the quality of the nurses and sisters are very good, and they have not found the phenomenon of squatting corners.

Just like “Your boyfriend is really good, handsome and obedient, it is difficult to find a lantern.” “Lucky, find such a good boyfriend, how many times better than the man outside.” Handsome and careful, still working hard, such a good boyfriend you have to watch.” … and so on, she heard the fifth day from the first day.

It is estimated that there will be listening for the next four days.

I have been hospitalized for nine days, so I have been able to survive for five days.

Xia Jinyuan, who stayed in the hospital for five days, was a perfect boyfriend in the eyes of the nurses and sisters. Nowadays, even the dressing change is very personal, and she is very skilled. Jane said: “It’s a blessing, even if you change your medicine and tie your boyfriend, you don’t need us to keep an eye on it.”

How can Ye Jian answer?

Naturally, with a polite smile, by the way, “thank you.”

As for the Xiazhong school who brushed a wave of glamour value, she really did not hear what the nurses around said, nor did she contact and talk with the nurse.

If the perfect summer school is hard to pick him up, the young lady at the nurse station agrees that he is too cold, and does not like to have too much communication with young women. Even these nurses, except for the necessary questions, keep the distance for the rest of the time. So cold so that they don’t dare to get close.

The bandage was just wrapped up, and the text message of Commander-in-Chief of Summer came along. Xia Jinyuan did not immediately look at it. The expression of the hand was carefully and seriously asked the nurse. “Is it qualified?”

Of course, it is qualified, otherwise it will not be said to Ye Jian that they do not need such words in the future.

The nurse confirmed that there was no problem, and she had a good anti-inflammatory effect for Ye Jian. She pushed the medicine carts in various wards and left. Going out, one of the young nurses admired and sighed: “Her boyfriend is really hurting, I am still the first. See you once. It’s really enviable.”

“Is there any envy? Didn’t you see the injury on her? I will talk less about the patient’s private affairs in front of the patient. Boyfriend is also a boyfriend of others, there is nothing to envy.” The older nurse smiled and replied She even has children. The handsome family members who accompany the bed in the 28th ward will usually have more eyes and never participate in the topic of young unmarried colleagues.

If she didn’t see her colleague envy and seemed to be stuck, she didn’t want to say anything more.

The young nurse thought about it and nodded thoughtfully. “Alright, no matter how good it is to be someone else’s boyfriend, what does it have to do with me?”

“not related.”

“It’s still a bit of a relationship, so I am responsible for the patient’s family.”

The chat ended with the next bed, and Ye Jian, who lived on the 26th bed, read the text message and was dumbfounded again. “Where is it all the time for me to distribute it? Impossible.”

So many excellent students have been quarreling for her going for a few days, listening to how to feel incredible!

(End of this chapter)

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