Chapter 4806, all sides

The whole process was said that the commander-in-chief of the summer said that Ye Jian listened quietly and occasionally answered one sentence.

But for such an occasional answer, I heard that Xia Jinyuan was shocked and screamed. I gestured aside for a while, and my lips moved to indicate Ye Jian.

Every leaf Jane went to listen to Xia Jinjin’s opinion, and the answer was a little slower. The summer commander on the mobile phone side would have said, “The old sixth is next to the demon moth.” For two consecutive times, Ye Jian’s guilty conscience Eyes, simply don’t go to see a man.

Xia Jinyuan saw her close her eyes, and Junyan was black for several times. She simply put it in the ear of Ye Jian. The thin lips were attached to Ye Jian’s ear, and the burning scent went straight to Ye Jian’s ear, itching to Ye Jian’s hand. Push.

“Don’t agree, once you promise, there is no change! Direct rejection!”

I am looking forward to my girlfriend’s summer school in the snowy brigade.

Ye Jian’s first sentence replied as “Let me bring a new company? All female soldiers?”

The second sentence replies “The conditions are difficult to overcome, mainly I have no experience.”

The third sentence answers “What do you mean?”

So only the three sentences answered, Xia Jinyuan did not hear what the Commander-in-Chief specifically said, and his back was shocked by cold sweat, and at the same time faintly guessed what was related.

A brand new company with only female soldiers, the military wants to let Ye Jian go to training!

Ye Jian pushed his head and answered the commander-in-chief of Xia. “The commander-in-chief, I am a little nervous, mainly without experience, afraid of bringing a bad soldier, can I consider answering you again?”

Xia Jinyuan next to it immediately relieved, did not agree, just did not promise it!

Commander-in-chief Xia laughed: “This is to discuss with you, of course you have the power to consider. Is the sixth child chanting again? You don’t want to be used to him, he wants you to go to his team tomorrow.”

“I, of course, I hope that you can go to the team early, but I have to consider your future development, and you can’t break the follow-up arrangements because of your urgency.”

Arranging Ye Jian to bring a brand new female soldier company, the commander-in-chief of Xia has a certain amount of consideration, and he and the major generals will consider it together, and agreed that it will be of great help to Ye Jian’s future development.

The call was not over yet, and a text message was sent to the mobile phone. Ye Jian did not pay attention to it, and listened carefully and did not dare to be distracted.

“As for time, it is only half a year, and more than one year. The special forces in the sixth team have more than one year of military service experience. Although you have already accepted them, your personal resume still needs to be added.”

“You think about it, answer me after thinking about it. The phone is for the sixth child, I will talk to him.”

Ye Jian replied with the sentence “You wait a little”, and immediately handed the mobile phone to Xia Jinyuan, who had the heart of the mobile phone.

Xia Jinyuan took the mobile phone with his left hand, and his right hand gently stroked Ye Jian’s forehead. He whispered a sentence, “I go outside, you will rest.” Hold the phone tightly, and Junyan walks out of the ward.

Leila, who was far away from the sea in the south, took a shower. He walked to the desk and picked up a mobile phone that sent a text message five minutes ago.

Pressing the mobile phone screen, I found that there was no new SMS, and Li Xiaonian, who was looking at the mobile phone, entered the SMS box and saw that the SMS sent five minutes ago did not prompt the transmission failure.

Oh, see when he can hold his breath!

He abducted his sister early, and the sister who was so scared that he came back immediately married to Xia Jia. He could not bear to be afraid of it, and naturally shared the burden.

If I can transfer my sister to the navy, Xia Jinyuan wants to get married early? is it possible?


Don’t wait in the early morning, the 23rd update will still be available after 10pm.

Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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