Chapter 4807 Big Dice

It was not until Li Yinian changed his clothes, and he did not receive a call from Xia Jinyuan after washing his clothes. Instead, he received a call from the commander of the Navy.

Commander Dong did not participate in the August exercise. He was merely progressing to the Beijing-related construction projects at sea, and he did not know that several military leaders were fighting for Ye Jian.

To this day, he once again came to the military, and he saw the commander-in-chief of Xia, who knew that in addition to him, the three military regions of the Nanguang Military Region, the Linnan Military Region, and the Linchuan Military Region all clashed for Ye Jian.

Press the answer button, Li Lan’s annual report on his name, and the commander of the company, watching the commander of the summer, who is still on the phone, smiled and said: “In the following year, 99% of your thoughts will fall, and the other side of the leaflet will be us. Beyond the Navy, the Nanguang Military Region, the Linnan Military Region, and the Linchuan Military Region are all vying for important people. You said that I still want to join in this fun?”

“In the last time, Xiaoye could clearly tell that she didn’t want to come to the Navy. The individual disagreed, and I must pay attention to her by the military. It will not be assigned to my navy.”

Are the three major military regions of the Nanguang Military Region, the Linnan Military Region, and the Linchuan Military Region all fighting for?

Li Lannian single-handedly put the navy blue camouflage jacket in the air, and the cold eyebrows passed a faint smile. The voice replied as usual. “The three military regions are all competing, and the military area of ​​Ye Jian is divided into two military regions. Leaders are likely to be dissatisfied. Sometimes, in order to balance, they will be cheaper.”

Commander Dong immediately understood that if the commander-in-chief of the summer was answering the phone, he would probably laugh out loud. “Yes, the three parties are competing for the military, and it is likely to be cheaper for our navy.”

“When I get the news, no matter what I can’t do, I will fight for it. It’s a pity that the seedlings don’t come to our navy.”

“Well, wait for your good news.”

The faint singer Li Yinian and other commanders hang up the phone and walk back to the room from the balcony.

The unit assigned to Li Xiaonian is a single dormitory with an independent balcony and a washroom. The area is small, clean and neat, and even the objects on the desk are neatly arranged. The ruler has a straight line.

Sitting at the desk, Li Yannian opened the drawer and took a photo frame from the drawer. The photo in the photo frame was a family portrait.

Mr. Fu Lao, who is white-haired and wise, has a smile on his head. The middle of the body is Fu Da. The father on the left is Li Yinian, and on the right is Ye Jian, the first family portrait after a family of four.

Every time I see the family portrait, Li Lannian’s cold eyes will become extraordinarily gentle.

Can you let your sister come to the navy is actually secondary, mainly… he wants to add some work to Xia Jinyuan and let him have a headache.

He is not sure that his sister will definitely go to the snow squad after graduation.

Then give it a try.

Go, I will definitely go.

Who let the younger sister rush to him and the snow squad.

But whether it can be smoothly carried out according to the plan of Xia Jinyuan, it can be said that it is not allowed.

The mobile phone on the side of the desk sent a vibrating sound. Li Lannian put the photo frame on the desk, just in the position where he lifted the visible position, and then picked up the mobile phone.

Look down slightly, press the answer button calmly.

Yes, it took nearly twenty minutes to get to the phone, and I was more able to hold my breath than I thought.

Xia Jinyuan is now a four-faced song. He clearly hides his baby well, but he can give him a whole bunch of headaches when he graduates.

(End of this chapter)

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