Chapter 4482 Night Talk

The company commander who was pushed by the political commissar did not dare to go ahead. His political commissar, hey, used to be very bullied by Sven, and he was not bullied by him. Now, don’t say it.

Sven’s scholars have become a man of the northwest, and sometimes he is even more embarrassed than his company commander.

Yeah, since the same military school graduated, Hao Hao is also a brother and sister of the same door. What is the matter of the political commissar? The company commander should look at it first.

The Tang political commissar who walked to the door suddenly turned back and picked up the folder on the desk.

Zheng Qiang, who stood and waited, said: “Old Tang, I can hand over to the female soldiers. You have to pick up the lost Sven. It’s a college student who is just right, not like my old man. , speaking is better than me, and people who are pitted will not be directly pitted like me.”

“The female soldiers are different male soldiers. I can’t handle them. I don’t pay attention to them. I am terribly punished. You, I have to pay more. I will let my mother-in-law give you more local specialties.”

From the camp building, the company’s commander went to the middle of the road, and the Tang political commissar took a few eyes. He didn’t say anything with a good voice: “Hey? How do I listen to this awkwardness? Do you despise the students from the University of Science and Technology? ?”

The company commander was anxious. “Who is awkward in the end? When I said that I wouldn’t look down on your National Science University, I wouldn’t have time to envy it! Don’t give me a nap. This is what we discussed before, and the female soldiers are all handed over to you. There is no big problem, don’t come to me. You are a political commissar, you can handle it well.”

“I didn’t see the lights, people came, and said good. Lao Tang, the trick can be closed and the door can be noisy!”

“I have done it, I can say more than I can, pick up people! The ears are all hurt by you.” The Tang political commissar slammed his ears, and when he opened his mouth, his expression became extraordinarily serious. “The military has appointed a The student who just graduated from the military academy is a female soldier instructor, indicating that she must have something extraordinary. I have also told you countless times. Don’t because she is a newly graduated military school student and a female soldier, you will There is a contempt, this is a big taboo.”

“Don’t tell me that you don’t look down on people. I really want to value them. You won’t repeatedly mention that you have to hand over the affairs of the female soldiers to me.”

“What is not good to say, if the new female soldier is capable, will you say this? No! You will stick to the past, how strict it is!”

“Why didn’t you mention the men’s instructors who were temporarily transferred? Didn’t you give up? It’s not because he came over to train you, the male instructors from the special forces came to train, you still have a short period of six months.”

“Women or men are good. Since the military has two hands, there is no distinction between them. What is your attitude towards the male soldiers? It should be the same for the female soldiers. It must not be separated from each other, and it must not be divided.”

“How long has the whole incident been? The military immediately made arrangements to assign the twenty female soldiers who should have been assigned to the Nanguang Military Region to the northwest. If you are a female soldier, what do you think?”

“Temporary adjustment, unconditional obedience arrangements, can the 20 female soldiers really be calm? I ask myself, I can’t do it.”

“People are coming. As a result, you are not planning to be a company commander. What do you think of them in your heart? What do you think of the female instructors assigned by graduation? Three third-class merits, two second-class skills during school I wish you all old, I wish you see how many medals are in your cupboard.”

(End of this chapter)

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