What is the name of Chapter 4843?

How many medals?

I wish the company commander “snap” two times, “two more than her.”

“Yeah, you have only a few more years in the military age. She, there are five who have not graduated yet. I wish you all the best, do you dare to marry the female instructor?”

“I was assigned fourteen years ago, and I have been working with you until now. You are really a student who graduated from the military academy for 14 years.”

When I mentioned the past, I wished the company commander not touching the nose naturally, and he was just wearing a camouflage hat. He smiled and said: “That is all the past, not to mention it. I really don’t have a little female soldier instructor.”

“History is repeating itself, it is still necessary to mention. You don’t seem to have a small flaw. Actually, there is a lot of doubt about the military training of the female instructors.” The Tang political commissar took steps and looked serious enough to make the company’s director feel a little embarrassed. .

His biggest misconduct was that he was unsettled fourteen years ago and was assigned to the Tang political commissar in the northwest!

At that time, it was not the political commissar of Tang, nor the old Tang, or a pure white, with a little bit like a creamy little! Don’t bully him… who is bullying?!

Unexpectedly, after 14 years, it became the biggest misstep, oh, missteps!

As for the military merits of the female instructors, there are big doubts… There are no big doubts, and there are still some doubts.

For example, how did she set up two second-class skills during her reading?

He really wants to know, just don’t know if he has a chance to know.

Some cold-hearted night winds came from the heavy voice of the Tang political commissar. “Military school students are subject to squatting exercises when they enter the school. There are not many military qualities, but you can’t look down on them. They may not look down on you!”

“They dare!” There has been no snoring. The birthday of the political commissar of the Tang Dynasty is no different from the famous primary school students. “I can’t despise us, oh, why?”

In the face of the wisher of the fried hair, the Tang political commissar squinted, “Why do you look down on us?”

“Fart, when can I look down on you?”

“I am also a graduate of the military academy.”


A **** throat and a long-awaited company commander sighed. “Old Tang, I promise to treat everyone equally! Never make a mistake! Change the topic and change the subject.”

The heart is so tired, is it true that every political commissar is a whole person! Don’t pay attention to them and give them these rough people.

The political commissar of Tang showed a smile that was as satisfying as “the father”, and he was so excited that he could even count his hands and hammer his head. This day… I can’t live!

Hey, wait for Ye Jian, Xia Jinyuan to get off the bus, and you will see a very enthusiastic and enthusiastic person who has made Xia Jinyuan’s familiar scenes smashed.

“So enthusiastic, very uncomfortable, careful and fraudulent.” The enthusiasm is not normal, Xia Jinyuan and even the back of the cold hair are erected, and immediately whispered Ye Jian, “When he asks what conditions, don’t agree immediately.”

In the face of over-enthusiasm of the company commander, Xia Jinyuan’s reflective thinking must have problems.

Ye Jian did not feel anything, whispered, “I want more, enthusiasm is better than indifference. I listened to the instructors, we are assigned to the station, more or less will be looked down upon by the veterans. Do not say, I am ready to be looked down upon.”

“I saw that the company commander was so enthusiastic, but my heart was actually more practical. The company commander was not someone else. I was a female soldier instructor directly assigned by the military. He had no reason to swindle me.”

Xia Jinyuan thought about it and agreed with Ye Jian.


One is the female instructor directly sent by the military, and the other is the company commander of the company where the female soldier is. Although the two are in the same level, the purpose is the same, and they strive to train a qualified Northwest female soldier.

In this way, it is impossible to have fraud.

(End of this chapter)

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