Chapter 4858 Military Qualities

When it comes to Xia Jinyuan, he can’t help but laugh. He gave birth to a very handsome face. The smile of Lang Lang seems to be the fading of the sky, and it has the charm that people can’t help but linger.

Ye Jian quickly moved away from the line of sight. “You can also go through the playground. I will take a step first.”

I don’t know if I used the “color” to flash my girlfriend’s eyes, and I’m stunned. “Remember what I said before. There are a few in the class that are not very worry-free, and there are military ranks. You can’t be contemptuous of them because of the tenderness, and you must be the first to stand up!”

To this day, Xia Jinyuan still cares that Ye Jian can’t be the first to stand up.

It’s not that Xia Jinyuan thinks more, nor does he have no confidence in Ye Jian. Everything stems from his own loss. The first impression of entering the snow group has left a small white face impression on the current comrades, although they only took them in a week. Conquering, it is hard to flatten.

He didn’t want to work hard all the time, and Ye Jian, who came on the thorns, would encounter it, so he only reminded him again and again.

Among the twenty female soldiers, in addition to the superior soldiers, serving the non-commissioned officers for more than three years, there are female soldiers of the ranks of Lieutenant and Lieutenant.

Gao Xiao and Qiu Yi are the lieutenant military titles. The two were originally affiliated with one army, and personal grievances also occurred from the same unit.

In my heart, I remember that the leaves of Xia Jinyuan’s leaves sneaked into the playground at the fastest speed.

The northwest is sparsely populated, and the camp area is also naturally built. The three men’s team points are also good, and the collection points in the rows are not bad.

Just look at where the female soldiers will choose to gather.

Twenty female soldiers who know that they don’t know the meeting point are very tacit and don’t run too much, so that they can’t find a big force in the order. Three minutes is enough for them to discuss quickly. In the end, the opinions are unified and the training field is the biggest. Which training place to go to, which position is the most empty and where to go.

As for the instructors will not find them, not within the scope of their consideration.

There was no first appearance, no first time to tell them where to gather, this is the dereliction of duty as an instructor.

The mentality of the female soldiers has always been much more active than the male soldiers. There are many ideas and natural considerations. Moreover, they are still not angry when they come to the northwest, and they bring more or less personal emotions.

But they are also a group of qualified military personnel with good military quality and absolutely obeying orders, even if they have a little personal emotion, they will not make trouble.

The leaves around the road did not think so much, but they were very satisfied with the reaction of the female soldiers.

Looking at the direction in which the female soldiers ran, Ye simply knew that they went to the big playground. In the afternoon, the big playground was the home of the summer team. From his town, there was a group of elites, and there were not many people. Male soldier.

In the words of the company’s director, don’t be too much, just enough to accompany the female soldiers to practice.

It is not possible for Xia Jinyuan to train with the soldiers of the entire camp of the 500-year-old camp every day to select 20 elites.

However, this kind of thing wishes the company commander not to be the master. Although the Tang political commissar also approves it, he can’t make a decision, but he still has to come back.

The political commissar of the Tang said that the problem was not big. The first selection was made, and the battalion commander came back and decided to make a decision.

Therefore, all the 500-year-old soldiers gathered in the big playground this afternoon, and selected 20 elites in one day.

The three company’s deputy companies have long been recommended candidates, and the number is far more than 20 elite. For the sake of fairness, the soldiers have to make their own matches, and the winners enter.

La la la, I saw you after 11 o’clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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