Chapter 4859 is panicked

Three minutes later, in addition to the sentinel and patrol soldiers in the camp, the soldiers in the accident class had already lined up.

Twenty female soldiers saw this and immediately stood at the far left position, and lined up with the male soldiers.

The male soldiers lined up on the far left saw this, the body should not be slightly tightened a little, the waist plate is quite straight, the expression is more serious, and the eyes are not blinking for a moment, and the light is not dare to go around.

Why are you standing next to him?

Why are you still standing so close?

Do you not take a break and follow up with you?

Ye Instructor, are you still not taking your soldiers?

The male soldiers are very nervous. If they are known by the company commander, they will squat in the past and ask them to “sell goods.”

The leftmost lineup was a two-legged soldier. The second company’s deputy company found that there was a sudden extra column next to his soldier. He almost went to the spot.

Also, his mother thought that her soldiers were confused, and the heart leaked several shots.

With a blink of an eye, the second company’s deputy company rushed to the side of the company’s director to report the matter.

I wish the company commander heard the words, and waved a big hand, not convinced: “Then let them squat, and the leaf instructor stares, can’t do anything.”

The leaf instructor who stumbled five male soldiers, wishing the company president to respect her is a man!

Yes, Ye Jian is a brilliant man in the heart of the company’s heart!

The second company’s deputy was in a hurry. “That can’t stand next to us! Change places, change places.”

“Do you want to change? Isn’t the left side or the right side, they have chosen the left side now, and they have changed it!” Zhu Lianchang’s black face was pulled down.

Do you want to change it? The deputy company of the bachelor can’t say why, but it feels bad anyway!

It is certainly impossible to change, especially if the company commander sees the “man” leaf instructor, it is even more impossible to promise the unreasonable request of the second company.

There are still ways to get rid of the second company. There is no way!

I went to my own company and walked through the middle of the line of soldiers with straight pens and pendulums. “Today is the choice of people. We even have the soldiers on the court. The tricks are to give me a big point. Don’t give me a shame!”

“I don’t see the female soldiers next to them. They are not simple. They are all the soldiers selected by the original troops. Don’t let the female soldiers look down! The skin has tightened me! Who will give me shame and be mentally prepared for me! ”

For the first time in the camp, a group of female soldiers came, not to mention that the company commanders were the same as the enemy, and the male soldiers were the same.

The female soldiers were fixed than the male soldiers. The original troops were used to being watched. When they got here, they were watched in another place. There was nothing timid.

That is, the sun is not as big as it is, and it is all painful.

In the northwestern morning and evening in September, although the temperature is low, the sun is shining directly due to the high altitude. Although the temperature is low, the sun is threatening.

Once you get to the shade, it’s cool and cool.

The female soldier standing against the sun took out the graceful posture of the female soldier, like a green landscape in the desert, and it was refreshing.

The political commissar of the Tang Dynasty smiled and said to Xia Jinyuan: “It seems that we will consider more female soldiers in the future. Female soldiers are no worse than male soldiers. Ye instructors are the best example.”

Who said that women are not as good as men, and women are definitely fighters!

Xia Jinyuan laughed: “In the future, the policy will be relaxed, and the female soldiers will definitely be more and more. Now the female soldiers have high thresholds and the situation is only slowly developed in the future. The troops need to use more female soldiers, and the female soldiers are only There will be more and more.”

There are quite a few female soldiers in various places. Sometimes there are only a few female soldiers in a city and a county. Sometimes these quotas are not necessarily fair and fair to the people, and the local armed forces will allocate the quota directly.

(End of this chapter)

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