Chapter 5073 Occupation quota

The squad leader’s words did not play any role. If Ye Jian’s service is the same as them, there will be no rejection at all. It’s true that the individual’s ability has dragged the class and the leg is being targeted.

But Ye Jian is an army. Even if he pulls one, it will have little effect on them. Anyway, he will not work together in the future. Since there are problems, you can still leave all the tails and go quickly.

Really want to be a “martyr”, the most painful thing is her family.

The second landing female soldier who had already received the good did not agree with the squad leader’s remarks. “Is it important to have a face? Where should I go back? Wherever the officers and men are worried about her safety, the squad leader She and we are not a service.”

The female soldier who completed the second jump came from the 17th Division of the Air Force. It was formerly the first brigade of the Air Force Marine Warfare. The first division commander was the commander of the King. It was also the first member of the elite of the first unit of our airborne troops in the year of 50. The 17th Division has made countless achievements and is one of the best and the best.

The female soldiers from the 17th Division are also the best in a group of male airborne soldiers, and the tradition of the 17th Division is the survival of the fittest, and the unqualified people are directly eliminated.

Therefore, the female soldier thought that the army’s Ye Jian ran the airborne troops belonged to a member who needed to be eliminated, and there was no need to waste too much energy.

It is not easy to train an airborne soldier. She prefers to join this team as a real airborne soldier.

To know that they are now developing in the direction of an ordinary airborne soldier who will retire after two years of service, and they are entering the special scouts in the airborne troops, the special forces in the air force!

As the army’s Ye Jian, it should not occupy a quota.

After that, the female soldier’s mouth was tight and the voice was a little bit pressed and pressed down. “She’s coming, but the comrades who had the opportunity to stay are gone. It’s her first squeezed out now. The comrades we train together.”

The female soldier said two female soldiers who had been observed before but could not adapt to the high altitude climate and finally returned to the original army. One of the female soldiers also came from the 17th Division.

The squad leader also thought about this matter, and his face was also quite cold. He took a deep breath and ran while guiding the female soldier. “It is not the decision we can make, it is not the decision that Ye Jian can influence. Moreover, they have no way to adapt to the plateau climate. Forcing them to stay has no benefit to them.”

“They can’t adapt to the plateau climate, and it’s impossible to stay with or without leaf slips.” The squad leader’s tone gradually became serious. “You can have opinions because the army’s leaf slips dragged the class legs, but definitely because of the empty division.” The female soldier returned to the original army and directed her. She was only a top soldier and could not decide any of the above decisions.”

“This kind of words will not be allowed to be said later. There will be similar unfair targeting to Ye Jian. I will let you review it! Listen clearly!”

I heard that the female soldier’s ingredients for Ye Jian were not only Ye Jian, who was a drag-and-shoulder army, but also a female soldier from the 17th Division who was unable to adapt to the plateau climate. When the sky left the plateau, the squad leader who was aware of it did not let it go and immediately warned.

The squad leader was a little angry. Although the female soldier had complaints in her heart, she did not dare to continue to let go. She bit her lower lip and nodded. “Understand!”


“Understood!” The female soldier running replied loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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