Chapter 5074 is rarely despised

The third female soldier who had landed smoothly did not hear the front part. She only heard the word “understood” and quickly took the umbrella bag and asked the second landing female soldier. “What did you talk to the squad leader? What did you understand?”

“Just…” The female soldier opened a mouth and said a word, swallowed the remaining words back, and the expression was slightly calm and faint. “Nothing, just talk about how we should go out from here.”

The third female soldier who landed smoothly did not believe it. She looked at the female soldier with a look of suspicion and said, “Oh,” and took the time to collect the umbrella bag.

Because they are the first jump of the plateau, the captain of the parachuting thunder did not go to the skydiving point of more than 4,000 meters above sea level, but chose the lowest point in the entire plateau.

Although the elevation point and the field of view are widened, there are large and small stones that roll down on the snow-capped mountains. There is a river in front of which can be directly smashed, about five meters wide. The river is cold and icy, all of which are snow. The water is merged.

Soon several female soldiers successfully completed the landing, and the correspondent unified the report to the ground group.

“Is Ye Jian completed the landing!” The voice of the ground group instructor was sent to the female soldier’s ear with a snow-like coldness. “Please confirm immediately if Ye Jian has completed the landing.”

“Yes!” The communication female soldier replied and immediately ran to the squad leader. “The squad leader, the ground group instructor asked us to confirm immediately if Ye Jian had completed the landing!”

There are already 13 people gathered. The squad leader is now cleaning up the people. He heard that the squad leader’s face changed slightly and the vocal cords were a little tight. “Who saw Ye Jian did not! Does anyone see Ye Jian!”

“Report, no!”

“Report, no!”

“Report, except for Ye Jian did not arrive, and Guo Cui of the eleventh jump did not arrive!”

The two did not arrive at the meeting point, and the two men jumped smoothly before and after. The squad leader’s face looked a little anxious at this moment. “Quickly, look for two people!”

Parachuting in front and back, but also did not immediately arrive at the meeting point, the squad leader is very worried about whether she has “airborne special feelings” when she does not pay attention, such as two umbrellas, umbrella hooks, etc… Once there is “air special”, If they are not able to deal with them in a timely manner, the two directly fall from high altitude and the survival index is almost zero.

Usually these airborne female soldiers have opinions on the leaf scriptures of the army. They are secretly excluded, and the Ming Dynasty is targeted. At this point, Yi Jian has not yet arrived. Everyone has only one idea in mind: barely it is a big thing!

Just in preparation for the scattered search, a clear and clear, like the morning scraping, with a faint snowy breath coming from behind the female soldiers, “Report, Ye Jian completed the smooth landing.”

“Report, Guo Cui successfully completed the landing.”

It is said that the female soldiers did not immediately turn to look at them. They lined up and needed instructions to have the next move.

This is discipline and must be observed at all times and must be observed.

“All of them, turn backwards!” The squad commanded the order, and the 12 female soldiers who completed the line-up were unified, with the power of smashing to complete the backward turn at the same time, not to grab a second, not slow one second, all the movements at the same time Finished, neat and compliant is like a person.

After a turn, they saw the slowest arrival, so that everyone who was in a hurry to help each other stood up and knew what had happened.

The thirteen female soldiers, including the squad leader, all changed their faces, and all kinds of looks were there. In the end, they were still “sure”.

Today only two more, only two more

In the blink of an eye, October is over, tomorrow is November, and in 2018 there are only sixty days! Time is really too fast and too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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