Chapter 5231 Chinese

Xia Jinyuan and T6 were careful to get close to the wooden cabinet. The white crane was aiming at the outer side of the corridor and was on the two sides of the corridor. The voice of the V8 came from the hidden headset. “I am the V8 and have successfully escaped from the vent.”

Xia Jinyuan gently opened the door slowly.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds…

When the door was completely open, Xia Jinyuan and T6 saw a man and a woman **** with their hands and feet, blindfolded, and those who blocked their mouths were tired together.

The two had already felt that the locked door was open, and the mouth yelled and struggled even more.

“Dad land, Mommy!” The little boy also saw it, shouting loudly, and the two couples who heard their son crying in tears immediately wet the blindfolded cloth, and the two hands tied together were too Excited, Qi Qi fell out of the cupboard.

Xia Jinyuan sees this and knows to find someone.

The newly added Chinese of the immigrants, the parents of the little boy.

Pulling out a small and sharp dagger, T6 took the gun to the door, and Xia Jinyuan, who was half-squatting down, said in English: “Don’t move, I will loosen it for you now.”

“Oh…” The two couples who fell out of the side fell in the brushing position, and the two tears of tears did not stop. They even felt that their son’s soft hands were touching their faces and kept yelling, “Dad, Mommy…”

Use a knife to quickly pick up the ropes that tied the couple’s feet, then get to the hand, and then don’t need to ask him to move again. The two couples quickly pulled down the eye masks that tied their eyes, took out their mouth cloth, and hugged the mother. Her son burst into tears, and her husband cried with his wife and son.

Life and death, finally re-sewed, great sorrow to great joy, experienced the greatest ups and downs of life, the great old men also cried sadly.

Xia Jinyuan did not give the couple a lot of time to cry. For professional reasons, he verified the identity of the two couples and confirmed that the two husbands and daughters were the biological parents of the little boy. The speed of speech speeded up and said: “We are not out of danger now, so If you want to live, you must follow my arrangements and keep an eye on us. Also, you need to protect your children, and my friends and I may not have time to take care of you.”

“Will you use a gun? You don’t need it now, you can protect your son with a gun in your hand.”

Did not give the two couples a thank you for the time, with a family of three speeds to withdraw.

All the support went to the night, and the six people retired smoothly. The K7 had finally had a movement, and there was no undulating sound. “The night is the place of Amherst. The soldiers under Ives, the two political parties are not well known in Liabi.”

K7, who has not left, has also begun to withdraw. He has been evacuated more quickly, and Xia Jinyuan simply let him join the second floor.

Just before K7 just went from the second floor of the rotating iron ladder, the night of the chaotic battle suddenly exploded. I didn’t know which side of the people had thrown a grenade, and the whole night was full of fire, four smokes, and countless misery. The sound came from all directions, and the screams and gunshots were mixed together. The scene was chaotic, and the human purgatory was no different.

The huge impact force caused the K7, which was also on the second floor, to produce an instinctive conditioned reflex and rushed forward toward the ground.

In the hidden headset, the comrades rushed to call, “K7, K7, I heard the answer immediately! I heard the answer immediately.” It was the voice of their captain Q King.

(End of this chapter)

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