Chapter 5232 is at risk

The K7 in the ground fainted and did not forget to pat the dust on his body. “Not dead, alive.”

“Rely!” The T6, which was shocked by the cold sweat, whispered, and quickly said: “Don’t **** the old man to install cool, roll over! On the second floor, turn left third…”

The word “room” has not been finished yet. The T6 staring out the window bursts louder and screams out, and contacts the G3 and Z7 outside. “What is the situation outside, a group of people!”

Seen from his direction, even if it was dark outside, he could see a group of people rushing through the broken streets in the faint night light.

Keeping another mouth, the G3 and Z7 that they evacuated from the intersection, bounced from the dark moment, Z7 sinks: “direction!”

“East! Mom! This group of people smashed the gun! Quickly withdraw!” T6 yells, this **** is to flatten the entire four-story building that looks completely intact!

K7 has not rushed to meet with his comrades, and the cool face with a half-face expression is still not a little expression. “You withdraw, I will come later.”

“Less **** nonsense, fast! Waiting for you!” The white crane is thick, life and death brothers, no matter what time it is impossible to do something to leave their brothers to leave.

Brothers in the Snowy Brigade, never!

Xia Jinyuan pulled off the curtains and said to the two men who trembled and shivered: “You are a man, your wife and children can rely on you to protect, there is something, don’t let your wife’s child’s life be lost because of your own fear.” ”

This time, Xia Jinyuan said that it is Chinese, and it is also a bold courage for the newly added Chinese.

The couple apparently succumbed, they… They didn’t even know that the person who saved themselves was originally a Chinese, and the wife hugged his son, and the voice trembled. “Thank you, thank you… thank you so much.”

In terms of nationality, they are no longer Chinese, but new people. These Chinese men can choose not to save their family of three.

But they saved, and let their family of three leave early.

This is… This is… the Chinese military, must be the Chinese military.

Only the Chinese soldiers will always leave the hope of life to the people in danger and leave the danger to themselves.

“You…you are the Chinese soldiers of the peacekeeping force. It must be…” The man with his legs trembled and dared to move tightly grasped Xia Jinyuan’s arm, and his voice was so excited that his words would tremble.

Xia Jinyuan laughed and said: “Brother, now is not the time to chat, take time to go down, and later, it is really dead.”

The man also felt that he was not afraid at this moment. He took a deep breath and said, “Oh! I am going down now! Let’s live together and leave!”

The Chinese soldiers have given their “life” to their family of three. He must take time to become a success!

The smug man pulled out the curtains, then grabbed the curtains tied with a few curtains and began to go down. He didn’t really need to do anything, just grab the curtains and not let them fall.

Finally, the male master went down. He didn’t dare to yell loudly. He listened to the footsteps and he was nervous to fly out. He quickly caught his son, then his wife, and then a rifle.

“Hurry up, fast!” The man protects his wife and children, and squats with his arms. The cat’s waist looks for a place where he can hide a family of three.

Outside, the speed of the wolf G3, which was running at night, found a high point. The telescope saw the crowd coming from the east. “Anti-government militants, Z7, keep the entrance!”

Good night, girls.

(End of this chapter)

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