Chapter 5237 Escape

The child is a time bomb, they will scream because of fear, then the trouble can be big!

The friendly reminder of Major David is also self-interesting. “You need to watch a small trouble, and I have a big trouble here, which makes me a headache.”

The big trouble Chen reporter was around, heard the clear, her eyes flashed with anger, she blinked and disliked her own guy, an accused press release had a good draft, just a little touch Become a text.

Xia Jinyuan knows who he is talking about.

I really don’t know what the Bayan reporter did, and let Major David dislike it. Even the gentlemanliness he has kept are lost.

There was a lot of gunfire outside, and the whole city was full of gunfire. Every corner was there. The city was swallowed up by gunfire overnight. I didn’t know how many innocent people lost their lives overnight.

As for the home… Their homes have long been lost, and it’s hard to go back to the previous silence.

Libya has never been calm in this country.

The explosion continued to rang from the sky over the city. The whole city lost its order. The devastated Libya rushed out of their temporary shelters at night, and the children who lost their parents cried in horror. The running adults ran into it. They passed by them, no one stopped because of the crying of the children, and everyone was running away.

All of them fled to the camps of the peacekeeping forces of various countries, where they will be their refuge. As long as they enter the peacekeeping force camp, the government bombs will not be mistakenly cast, and the anti-government militants will not rush, they enter the peacekeeping force. The camp has a chance to survive.

“Is there any contact with them! Have you contacted them!”

At the Central Command of the Chinese Peacekeeping Forces, a person in charge said loudly that the seven peacekeepers who sent out to rescue the three missing reporters in the Bay Sea have not returned yet. They lost contact half an hour ago and then learned about the rebel exchange. In the night of the rescue, the person in charge of the back of the body was cold and sweating.

The first exchange point, lost contact, the person in charge is very worried about whether they are in danger or have suffered.

The head office answered the responsible person. They also did not receive any news. The British side peacekeeping forces also did not receive the news. The Chinese and the British side sent out all the soldiers lost!

“There are a large number of refugees flocking to the peacekeeping camp, please support! Please support!”

“Let’s let go, let go!”

“The latest report in front, Liabi’s highest first military leader launched a rebellion, and the rebels tried to control the Liabi government…”

Domestically, Ye Jian sat in front of the TV and watched the latest report of Liabi. The reporter of Bay Hai Chen did not send the manuscript for the first time. The reporters of the war in China have reported the latest reports to the country and the current situation of Liabi.

The sight of the crossfire appeared, and the leaf was lightly focused on the TV. This situation was once experienced by her, passing through the gunfire, accepting the baptism of the war, and finally answering with a **** alive.

At this time, the country was already in the early hours of the morning. After the training, Ye Jian temporarily turned on the TV and glanced at it without moving his eyes.

It didn’t take long for the real-time report. After the end, Ye Jian turned off the TV. A person walked around the troops and walked around until the body was blown by the cold wind.

From the line of sight, she saw the figure of the Chinese peacekeepers. She also saw a large number of refugees who had poured into the camp. They saw the Chinese peacekeeping troops maintain order and organized refugees to take refuge in the camp.

Good night, little fairies.

(End of this chapter)

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