Chapter 5238 is flustered

Due to the eight-hour time difference between the two countries, the latest news from the country to see Libya is already at 5 o’clock in the morning. Watching the news of military news, you can see the latest news from Xinhua News Agency.

The camera swept across the faces of the refugees entering the camp, and it was clear that the joy on their faces was in stark contrast to the panic on the faces of refugees who had not yet entered the camp.

The video is a bit ambiguous. Because there is a crossfire point less than ten kilometers away from the peacekeeping force camp, the camera can also see the burning of the city.

The sound of gunshots, the sound of gunfire, the figure of running, the Liabi people who are crying, the country in the lens is deeply immersed in the heat, and the devastating despair of life and hopelessness can be felt through the TV screen.

Sensual points have been red eyes, quietly wiped the tears, rationally shaking his head, giving a long sigh.

The mountain is broken, the country is broken, and people are dead.

Due to the phenomenon of direct shot on the lens, few people noticed that there was a line of small characters flipping over the screen of the motor machine. Ye Jian did not pay attention to it. It was not noticed until the second time that the subtitle line was turned over.

The subtitles are obvious: According to the latest news, the three missing reporters in the Bay Hai have been successfully rescued by the Chinese peacekeepers. Inally, the high-level rebellion, the rescued peacekeepers, and the three rescued Haihai reporters have temporarily lost their links.

In a short line of words, I saw that the heart of the leaf was suddenly tight.

She is a soldier who has passed through the war-torn countries. She knows what it means to lose her connection. The war has prevented the rescue of the soldiers from the Bayan peacekeeping camp and cut off the links between the peacekeepers and the camp.

At 5 o’clock in the morning at the domestic time, Liaby was the fiercest time of the battle at 9 o’clock in the evening. Ye Jian, who had skydiving between the nights, no longer drowsiness and worried about the missing peacekeepers.

Some of the heart rhythms are not normal, very panic, very chaotic, and there is a kind of suffocating feeling that is on the verge of desperation, so that she even has a very rapid breathing. This feeling is very bad, and it has come again after a few years!

The first time, Grandpa passed away.

The second time, Chen Shu was born.

The third accident, the summer team was in danger.

The fourth time… this is the fourth time!

Moreover, after seeing the inconspicuous subtitles, the feeling of suffocation suddenly hit, the summer team… Xia team… The heartbeat and panic of the leaves sneaked into the name of the lover, and as the hands were dark and tight, the black and bright bright colors appeared.

Lost United Peacekeepers… Ten out of ten are the summer team, and the rest of the staff are the special forces of the snowy brigade.

Rescue hostages, the snow and death squad often face the task of life and death.

The identity of the reporters in the Bay Area is special. Since China has promised and sent troops, it will definitely not send ordinary peacekeepers to rescue. It will only send special forces to successfully rescue the index. The special forces of the Snow Group are the first choice.

Realizing that the disengaged peacekeepers are very likely to be the special forces of the Snowy Brigade, the heart of the mountain is quite uncomfortable.

Back in the dormitory, the deputy squad leader found that Ye Jian was not good at the first time. He also had a strange reaction after the leaf parachute jumped, and quickly asked, “Is it uncomfortable? The face is very poor.”

Wen Yan, Ye Jian raised his hand and touched his face, his face is very bad?

“Xie’s deputy class is concerned. I just watched a Liabi news. I saw that there were peacekeepers in our country who were temporarily lost. I was a little panicked.”

Fearing that the deputy squad leader thought more, Ye Jian replied truthfully: “The first high official launched a rebellion, and the whole city was caught in the war. I am worried that the peacekeepers who lost the connection will be in danger.”

Although it is a country, it is related to the peacekeepers of our country, and the female soldiers in the dormitory have become much heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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