Chapter 5248 I am a soldier

The air, suddenly dead silence, then, the rear rebel army screamed in the local national language, they just tempted, and did not immediately come over, but Chen Shuzhen was scared because the heartstrings are too tight, even the other party gave Screaming to the sound.

“Mom! Come on! Hide! Hide!”

This time, it is considered to be a horse.

The woman’s voice was sharp, and she said, the rebels in the rear need to be tempted again. The sounds of countless “哗哗” bullets sounded, and the guns of “砰砰砰” were concentrated in a few seconds.

Chen Shuzhen was really frightened this time. Her knees were soft and she was screaming. She didn’t know what she should do except the scream.

The British soldier pulled her and found that the woman only knew the scream. She didn’t know how to hide it quickly, just gave up and rolled into the ruins.

V8 and T6 took a family of three to the shelter at the fastest speed. Fortunately, they are on the street side. They are all ruins that can be temporarily hidden. Otherwise, they will be hit by bullets of the rebel. .

I only know that Chen Shuzhen, who is still standing still, has no arrogance. Under the bullets, all the arrogance has vanished. Despair is like a huge wave in the sea. Death will take away her life at any time.

“Save me, save me, save me…” She shouted desperately, afraid to move, only shouting in despair.

The bullet passed over her body. If she was now a five-body squat, she was shot by a shuttle hit by a shuttle.

Xia Jinyuan heard her voice, even if she had any opinions on her, she couldn’t let her alone. Everyone was hiding, and she was alone.

“The pressure of fire, I dragged her over!” In the headset, Xia Jinyuan communicated in English and said to his comrades, but also to Major David.

Not related to an individual, only because he is a soldier.

The commando of the Snowy Brigade did not stop Xia Jinyuan, but calmly answered their Q King, “Yes!”

Man, he is saved, his life, he is protected.

Hand touched the grenade provided by Major David, and pulled it down to the palm of his hand. Under the rain, there were countless pieces of mud and stone splashing, like a small sharp blade, and the naked skin could leave a few small blood.

Xia Jinyuan wiped his cheeks, his cheeks were rubbed by mud debris, his fingers pressed over a bit of a calmer tingling sensation, and Xia Jinyuan, who took back the rifle, bent down, his low voice containing a mirror-like calm, calm Schedule the next step.

“White Crane, K7 main attack, V8, T6 suppression, Z7, G3 cover! I shouted one, two, three… to start.”

“Roger that!”

“Roger that!”

“Roger that!”

The voices of the comrades came from the ear. At this time, they are the most solid backing of Xia Jinyuan. If they are there, they will never let their Q king be in danger!

Major David did not agree with Xia Jinyuan’s practice to save a reporter who only knew to question others and did not know how to be grateful. After the rescue, he was likely to swear at them. Major David did not want to save her.

However, the Chinese military’s insistence made him very helpless. “Man, you can give up her.” Major David persuaded, “The firepower is too big. You don’t have enough confidence to save her. Just now, my comrades want to save her. She is too stupid to understand.”

“I can tell you very seriously, buddy, she will definitely drag you down, and even kill you. So, do you still choose to save?”

(End of this chapter)

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