Chapter 5249 Childhood

Xia Jinyuan, who made the final adjustment, knew that Major David was thinking about him. The thin lips raised a little. “Major, thank you for your advice. People, I am saved, I have the responsibility to protect any Chinese citizen.”

Even those who are in urgent need of being saved do not admit that she is a Chinese citizen.

Major David was silent. It took a few seconds to answer. “OK, I respect your choice, we will cooperate with you to rescue! I hope you can come back alive.”

“I will come back alive.” Xia Jinyuan, who is clenching his grenade, smiles deeper. His little fox is still waiting for him. Can he miss the appointment?

“One, two, three… suppress!”

As the voice of Xia Jinshen’s cold Ling Ling came from the ear, the comrades of the Snowy Brigade concentrated on the fire to suppress the main attack. Major David, they dispersed the rebel firepower. The two sides cooperated and the gunshots were dense.

Chen Shuzheng has been scared and stupid. She will not even scream when she is holding her head. She will tremble with her body, like a dog who has fallen into the water in the winter, and no longer has the pride of the past.

Inside the ruins, Chen Shuzhen’s two colleagues had already scared each other tightly. They didn’t even know that Chen Shuzhen did not hide.

At the time of life and death, the most testable human nature, such as two male colleagues, usually because of the identity of Chen Shuai, and everywhere, really want to go to life and death, slip faster than anyone else.

If you have no life, you will talk about everything.

The newly added couples only know that they are holding their sons. The family of three is tightly squeezed together, warming each other and relying on each other. In the dark, the fear in their eyes is that they will not be in this life. Some are afraid.

“Hey, I am afraid.”

The boy’s soft and soft voice was clearly floating into his father’s ear. The same scared father was very good at pretending himself in front of his son who needed to protect himself. He kissed his son’s delicate little face and comforted him very quietly. Not afraid, we are brave men, not afraid.”

“Do you know who is protecting us? They are the Uncles of the People’s Liberation Army. If they are there, we don’t have to be afraid.”

“What are the uncles of the People’s Liberation Army? Why are they there, we don’t have to be afraid?” Although the boy was afraid, he could not understand the representatives of life and death. His attention was quickly transferred and his father was curious.

“The Uncle of the People’s Liberation Army is able to bring down the bad guys and save our strange uncles. They are very powerful and more powerful than Superman. We will be safe if we have them.”

“Isn’t Kiki been separated from Mama before? Finally, the Uncle of the People’s Liberation Army sent Qiqi back to the Mummy, and rescued Mummy, and you said that the Uncle of the People’s Liberation Army is very powerful. “”

The ignorant child knows a limited amount. Under the father’s explanation, he also seems to understand and understand. He is innocent and innocent. He whispered: “Is it safe as long as the Uncle of the People’s Liberation Army, who is as powerful as Superman, does not leave, we are safe. Will the Uncle of the People’s Liberation Army send us home?”

“The Uncle of the People’s Liberation Army will send us home, so ah, Qiqi is not afraid, there are uncles of the People’s Liberation Army, there is a mummy, Mickey is not afraid.”

The father was very patient and screaming, and he was afraid that he would use his best efforts to restrain his hands and feet. Restraining his voice sounded calm and made his son feel safe.

He has to kneel, he is afraid that his son will be afraid to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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