Chapter 5250 is difficult

Just a reporter from Bay Hai just made a small mistake for everyone to be found in trouble by the rebels, if his child was scared and cried… the consequences would be that he would not even dare to think.

Mommy raised her hand and hugged her son’s head, and printed a deep kiss on the forehead of the little boy. “Amazing, let’s sleep again, and when you wake up, Kiki will be home soon.”

With the companionship of the parents, and the guardian of Superman, the stranger who was afraid of the gunshots quieted down and hugged his father’s neck and closed his eyes.

The relaxation of the little boy relieved his father, and then he leaned his body against the icy broken wall behind him, and the night wind wrapped in smoke blew from the leak, and he was shocked that he was shocked by his son’s mouth. A cold sweat.

He even prepared as long as his son cried and immediately stopped his son’s mouth.

Fortunately, my son is sensible, and there is no big noise.

Holding one hand with one hand, the other hand gently caressed his wife’s thin back, and did not forget to kiss his wife’s hair. “Don’t be afraid, we can’t fall for the sake of wonder.”

The two couples couldn’t fall for their sons. Xia Jinyuan, who had rushed out in front, had set his life and death out of the cover, and rushed out from the cover. He quickly rolled forward and found the next cover. The bullet was on his right shoulder side. However, the shelters were pulled out by the warheads one after another.

The splashing dust and debris became a net that blurred the line of sight. When the dust was stained with smoke, it was not in the eyes. Xia Jinyuan, who had a faint pain in his eyes, gave himself a deep breath and rolled forward with fearlessness.

He can only move forward by rolling, there is no way to run in the rain.

The prepared rebel firepower was quite rampant. They even regarded the crossfire as a high-ranking official, Amherst, and asked for support.

The rebels who are trying to attack the night scene do not think that Amherst has escaped. They think that it may be the government army that has responded to Amherst’s departure. The two rebel forces exchanged briefly and simply regarded both places as key targets and increased firepower. Comprehensive suppression.

The white crane heard the sound of the bullet empty card in the magazine and quickly recovered the rifle. The back cover was replaced with a new magazine at the fastest speed.

The other party’s firepower is increased, they can all feel that Major David’s face is more and more dignified, they should retreat before they are right, and then they will not retreat and all will meet God.

“We need to retreat immediately!” In the headset, Major David clenched his teeth and said: “The rebels are powerful, and we have no way to fight them all the way. The Chinese folks, we must retreat!”

The bullets slammed through the ear, and Major David, who had eaten a cigarette and dust, was pressured by the increased firepower and could not look up.

damn it! He has to find a way to retreat!

The retreat also had to bring the rescued reporters together. If you can live out and need God’s blessing, the young David, who finished the battle, fluttered, and he was able to avoid the bullets smashing through the fallen wall.

The bricks rolled down, the dust was flying, and the eagerly hidden Major David saw the bullets that could kill people, swept the air, and took a line of fire to shoot in the ruins hidden by them.

Xia Jinyuan, who was suppressed by the rebel firepower, could breathe and calmly answered Major David. “The major, arrange two or three soldiers to leave the reporters, we will stand up.”

“OK!” Major David agreed, so they can still hold on, and they can take people away.

(End of this chapter)

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