Chapter 5251 heroic them

Major David, who is close to the shelter, immediately arranged for the soldiers to leave, “Allen, Libby, take them away! Remember that we retreat the route and join the Libyan government. Tell them that we need their support! ”

Damn, what they need most now is support!

“Yes, major!”

The two British peacekeepers who received the order took back the rifle that had been firing, the guns were hot, and the cat’s waist was smashed to the reporters who were all huddled together, telling them that they were now retired by the two of them.

On the battlefield, they were able to fight against each other. They could argue that the reporters who had nothing to say could only listen to the arrangements. The three British reporters naturally trusted the soldiers in their country and did not hesitate to express their understanding.

The family of three also only chose to leave together. The two Bay Hai reporters were afraid that they would be left behind. They learned that they took a step and the two were relieved.

At this moment, the two talents found that Chen Shuzheng Chen, who had been stuck in the knot, was not around, and suddenly he was scared.

“Chen Chen… Chen reporter?” The reporter responsible for the camera asked the colleague.

The male colleague asked was scared, “No, no… isn’t it with you?”

In the dark, the two looked at each other. Although they could not see each other’s expressions, they knew that the other person’s look must be very bad, and they were finished! Ruined! Chen reporter did not work with them!


Did not wait for the two to return to the horror, the shoulders of the two were pushed forward by the British soldiers, the two who could not think about it to keep up with the pace of the British soldiers.

Chen reporter did not join them, Chen Chen Chen Chen… Where did Chen reporter go?

They dare not think, because they think about the bad.

They dare not dare to go out and find out, who dares? Don’t you die?

Since I dare not dare to go out and look for it, then I will follow the British soldiers and go quickly. But… I can **** them eight people for the two soldiers. Can they be made?

I didn’t dare to ask for more soldiers to **** them. Listening to fear and letting the souls scream, the two Bay Hai reporters hugged their heads and left the fire.

The remaining British soldiers used firepower to cover their brothers with the rescued person to leave, and the panting of Major David, shooting fiercely toward the street, “kill the machine gunner! Kill the machine gunner!”

The high-shooting guns were pressed to everyone and there was no way to find out. Instead of killing the machine gunners, the rebels approached and they had no choice but to die.

The special forces of the suppressed snow squad did not speak. They concentrated all their attention on the rebels that were only separated by a street. The sweeping of the high-powered machine guns and bullets pressed them to the same level and could only be blindly armed with rifles.

Xia Jinyuan gasped, “I want to get rid of the machine gunner, mother, I can’t push forward here.”

The power of high-missing machine gun bullets is too great, even if the bullets are only rubbed against the flesh, it will leave a deep, burnt wound like a red iron-burning head.

Chen Shuzhen, who has been outside, is not good at Xia Jinyuan. If she has been tightening, she may still be alive. If she gets up, she will only be hung up early.

She didn’t see her when she said the sound, and she was very happy when she shouldn’t say anything.

K7 took back the rifle and said: “I am going to kill the machine gunner, you cover the captain.” The plain voice is as if it is not on the battlefield.


Once the Playboy, now the Z7 is armed with a rifle, and his eyes are fierce like a wolf-like light, shooting toward the front target.

(End of this chapter)

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