Chapter 5253 Duties

Just a few seconds before and after, the machine gunners and the auxiliary machine gunners all died in the gun, no one dared to touch the machine gun again.

“There are snipers! Damn! They have snipers!”

The two machine gunners fell back and forth, and the rebels thought they had encountered snipers. They did not expect that they would be on their opposite corners. A peacekeeping soldier fired a gun and quickly retreated under the cover of his comrades.

There was no heavy machine gun fire, and the other party thought that there was a sniper in the face of a sniper, enough to let Xia Jinyuan touch the approximate location of Chen Shuzhen, and according to the British soldiers who had previously covered her retreat, Xia Jinyuan quickly found the target.

People find it, just hit the wire and live below.

Xia Jinyuan slowly moved forward, and it was estimated that the other party should be able to hear him, and then he said, “Is there anything? Can you go?”

Chen Shuzhen did not answer, Xia Jinyuan’s heart was slightly sinking, and she kept coming to her side, her fingers pressed against the other side of the neck.

The pulse is normal and the life is still there.

Then he shouted “Chen reporter”. The other party still did not answer. Xia Jinyuan, who slowly pressed his mouth, directly reached out to Chen Shuzhen.

Being scared and fainting, I have to wake people up.

Chen Shuzhen’s eyes were painfully moved, and as the pain became heavier and heavier, the dizzy brain was slowly awake, the gunshots rang from the ears, and finally let me not know when I fainted. The reporter woke up.


Wake up, she remembers where she is, fear is swallowed like a monster, the voice is completely out of the brain, and screams again.

Xia Jinyuan did not give her the opportunity to scream. He took the combat gloves and quickly caught her mouth. He sounded a sharp warning. “If you don’t want to die, shut up me! Tight, don’t move!”

A little familiar voice came, Chen Shuzhen’s big eyes, her breathing stagnation, she took a few seconds to respond, tears “哗哗” flowing, and nodded hard.

Well, she doesn’t call, she doesn’t move.

She only nodded her head, and Xia Jinyuan immediately retracted her hand and pressed her hand to the headset. “People found it, didn’t die. Cover the retreat.”

“Well!” Z7’s cheerful voice came, Mom’s, and he’s been stunned by his mother for ten minutes!

If you don’t die, that’s alive.

Major David even blew his whistle. “Great, you are the most fierce warrior I have ever seen.”

With the machine gun bullets to save people back, it is not the most fierce warrior.

Changed to him, hey, he really didn’t have the courage.

Retreat is also very difficult, but it is much smoother than rescue. With firepower suppressing less machine guns, Xia Jinyuan first let Chen Shuzhen retreat. “Remember, I ran and immediately climbed up! Remember no!”

Chen Shuzhen, who was scared to even speak, nodded, afraid of dying, and his body was still shaking.

At this moment, her inexplicable sense of superiority is gone, and the contempt of the Chinese soldiers is not enough. Let her say that the Chinese soldiers are not… she is even more afraid.

Tears didn’t rub, and I bit my lower lip and climbed towards the ruins pointed by Xia Jinjin. She didn’t want to die. She didn’t want to die. She wanted to go home alive, she wants to go home…

I always thought that I was bold enough, and Chen Shuzhen, who was so daring to pass through the war, was really soft. She got a lifetime unforgettable lesson, so that she could not think that she was bold enough.

Hearing the shattering of the clams behind him, Xia Jinyuan pulled off the grenade and pulled the safety bolts to the opposite corner of the street.

(End of this chapter)

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