Chapter 5254


The grenade blew, and Xia Jinyuan, who turned around, pulled up the reporter who was afraid to move, and said: “Run!”

Stepping on the flares of the grenade, running with the other side, and finally stalking each other’s shoulders, a fierce tumbling water, and finally successfully retreat.

“GOGOGO, retreat, retreat!”

At the same time, Major David, a few grenades, once again thrown a corner of the street, and the black shadows of the broken beams ran fast and retreated.

Later, after the special forces of the Snowy Brigade successfully suppressed the other party’s firepower, they also flew and retreated.

The bullets were swept around their heels, and countless pieces flew around them. The special forces who held the rifles had long legs and smashed through countless ruins. The flying figure was as fast as lightning through the abandoned buildings that were uninhabited and destroyed into dangerous buildings. Retreat at a speed that is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Chen Shuzhen ran, she never rushed to the lungs and seemed to rush out of her mouth. She clearly had no strength in her knees. She fell countless times and she followed, and she followed the British soldiers!

The Chinese soldiers who saved him did not protect her and pushed her directly to the British soldiers.

The attack of the continuous grenade made the rebels dare not move, only dare to shoot with a rifle in their hands, and finally became a chase.

The British Commander’s General Command Center received a letter from the Liabi government. They said that several British peacekeepers were fighting the rebels and the government forces had sent troops to support them.

The Chinese commander of the peacekeeping force also received the same letter. The missing peacekeepers finally got the news, but they are still fighting the rebels.

At 8 o’clock in the morning, the latest news of the military channel, the Chinese military and the military have been found lost, and all of them are safe and no casualties.

Xia Zongsi shut down the TV set and stood up from the sofa and walked toward the study.

All safe and no casualties, not bad.

Du Jiayi, who got up, saw her father Du’s deputy chief of staff watched the international channel in front of the TV early in the morning. She walked over with her slippers and went straight to the side of Du’s chief of staff to sit down and hold Du’s deputy chief of staff. Arms, spoiled: “Dad, how do you look at these **** scenes early in the morning and go home, can you rest well?”

The deputy chief of staff of Du, who had always been petted by the youngest daughter, raised his hand and pretended to take an angry shot of his daughter’s head. “What **** scene, this is to tell you how difficult it is for you to live in a peaceful country.”

“You, you, have you forgot to leave the army for a few years? Let’s fight.”

“Dad, you both hurt me!” Du Jiayi shook like the child’s arm in the arms of Du’s deputy chief of staff. Shake it to Du’s deputy chief of staff and finally laugh and cry. “Okay, okay, how to still have a child.” Like. Your nephew is not so delicate.”

“Isn’t it a break today? Why, where are you going to play?”

Du Jiayi sat down and thought about it. He said, “When you go shopping with Qin Auntie, I have to wait until I get there.” Hey, in order to find a good girl, I have a **** sputum.”

Qin Xiu, Du, deputy chief of staff is very satisfied, but he does not know that Qin Xiu is very unhappy with Du Jiayi, seeing his daughter from time to time to accompany Qin mother to go out to play, but also when the daughter got the Qin family up and down recognition.

Laughing: “Since you have met, you are not too big, when are you emptying our parents and seeing each other, give you the two things. Get married early, Dad will be a granddaughter early.”

La la la, good night, little goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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