Chapter 5255 urges

Du’s deputy chief of staff liked the little daughter. The eldest daughter did not teach him how to bring him. Although the relationship between father and daughter is good, there is no such thing as a small daughter. Although the palms of the hands are all meat, the fingers can score a long time. I know the eccentricity.

Has not urged the little daughter to find a boyfriend to marry earlier, but also want to leave the little girl more than a few years, after all, after the daughter’s family married, who is still at home.

The Qin family is also a high-ranking family. In the past few generations, there are heads and faces that have the power and power. And the Du family has been poor for several generations, and it has changed the threshold in his hands.

In the end, everyone is less emboldened, even if he is a deputy chief of staff, he can’t afford to go to the Qin family.

“You, how are you still a little childish? Not too small, and then you can really stay in the old girl.” Du deputy chief of staff gently patted the daughter’s back and sighed: “Dad can leave you For several years, your sister is three years old.”

I still want to let Du Jiayi in the past feel really “squeaky” at the moment, her father is not joking.

“You and Qin Xiu have been there for a few years. If this is the case, then do it early. The parents of both sides will meet this matter and let the man take the initiative to raise the talent. You remind the Qin Xiu to remind the Qin family to set the date. Let’s get along with our family. If you go through the game, you don’t need much courtesy.”

Du, the deputy chief of staff who always thought that his daughter and Qin Xiu were in love, arranged very seriously. In his eyes, Du Jiayi deliberately retired from the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Qin Xiu, and the Qin family also let her daughter pass from time to time. Very stable, Qin family is quite satisfied with his daughter.

If this year’s time has arrived, the office will still have to do it.

Then again, the two young people talked about the love for so long, how did Qin Xiu pass Du family from the future?

Even if the work is busy, it is ok to spend a day to visit the future father-in-law.

How come from the future?

Du’s deputy chief of staff asked him, and his tone was still very serious. He asked Du Jiayi’s look and panic, and his eyes flickered to see Du’s deputy chief of staff.

This panic, Du’s deputy chief of staff will see the clue.

The brows are wrinkled and sinking: “How? Do you suspect that Du Jiaxiao, are not willing to come over?” Seeing Du Jiayi even dare to look at himself, Du, deputy chief of staff even sinks his face and picks up the remote control to turn off the TV. Be prepared to ask.

Du Jiayi, who has a ghost in her heart, dare to face it. When she saw this, she hurriedly got up and pretended to calm down: “Dad, you want more. Ah Xiu really has no time, otherwise I will come to see you soon.” Pretend to see Looking at the watch, exclaimed: “Ah, it’s so late, Dad, you watch TV slowly, I got it.”

Today, I can do this position. Du’s deputy chief of staff is capable. Du Jiayi’s point of concealing him is all in his eyes.

The face that sinks is even more ugly than before, and the voice is quiet. “Sit down! Don’t make things clear today, you can’t go anywhere.”

Du’s deputy chief of staff, who had always had little anger and anger, had a cold face and Du Jiayi’s calf shuddered, knowing that his father was really moving this time.

No, I can’t figure out the problem. I was asked by my dad. Then she couldn’t even see Qin Aunt again?

Du Jiayi, who sat down, panicked and pointed to the tail, and his brain flew quickly. He tried to think of a good way to solve the difficulties in front of him, and he stunned the deputy chief of staff of Du.

(End of this chapter)

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