Chapter 5256 Suspect

Du Jiayi is a clever woman. She is also a woman who reacts very quickly. In the face of the anger of Du’s deputy chief of staff, although she is very scared and confused, she does not give up directly, but tries to solve the problem as much as possible.

Right now, she has to be a good father!

Since the last time from the Qin family, Qin Auntie specially called to explain that she had delayed her. Now Qin Xiu has not changed her mind. The Qin family and the old Qin Qin will not intervene. Later, she will not care, and she does not want to. After delaying her, I also specially gave a pair of good jade jade bracelets as compensation to send her.

Since then, Qin Aunt has never contacted her again, let alone meet.

After she finally came out from the Qin family, she did not contact Ms. Qin who had no longer met with her. She re-visited her face and tried her best to have a relationship with the Qin family.

Another accident… If something happens again, everything she does is stunned, and the unforgettable thoughts in her heart must be a lifelong regret. It is more likely that Ye Jian’s monks will get what they want, and finally marry Qin Xiu.

Now she stays with Qin Aunt, so that Qin Aunt will hate Ye Jian every day.

If she is known by her father that she is not with Qin Xiu at all, she will certainly not allow herself to meet with Qin Aunt. Then, she will have no way to grasp in time which step Qin Xiu and Ye Jian have gone, and there is no way for Qin Aunt. Continue to hate Ye Jian.

She worked hard for so long, how can she allow a wedding dress for others!

Steady and steady, Du Jiayi once again smashed the arm of Du’s deputy chief of staff, and the voice was softer and more delicate. “Dad, what is good at the end of life. Ah Xiu is not coming over to the house, why are you angry, this is not Very normal?”

“You let him go to the door, I am not happy yet.”

She shrugged her nose and looked at her daughter’s family.

The suspected deputy chief of staff of Du was not so deceived, but his face turned a lot better, and he snorted very weakly. “Yes, why not?”

“A Xiu is so good. After he has seen you at home, you will definitely urge me to get married soon. Hey, I won’t marry early, I want to spend more time with you and my mom.”

The mouth is very sweet, and the special deaf person will also eat her.

But this time the situation is different, it is related to the daughter’s lifelong events, Du Deputy Chief of Staff is very cautious, can not tolerate a little difference.

The deputy chief of staff who was not deported was more suspicious. “Jiayi, you have something to hide me. Dad gives you a chance to make it clear. You will continue to conceal, I will contact Qin Xiu directly. With the ability of Dad. Contacting Qin Xiu is a very simple matter.”

“You can choose to hide, then Dad will directly talk to Qin Xiu. You can do it yourself.”

I was interested in screaming at the past Du Jiayi to hear that this is like a gray, how to swear, how to swear, her dad said to call Qin Xiu personally… how!

The tricks are not a single paragraph. They directly block all the excuses of Du Jiayi’s rhetoric. There is no way to go. Only honestly.

She believes that her father said it is done, and believes that contacting Qin Xiu is a very simple matter.

The deputy chief of staff of Du saw the face of his daughter, and his heart was cold as if he had twisted a hole in his weapon. He began to get cold from his heart and his hands and feet were cold.

“Don’t you want to say? Well, I am looking for Qin Xiu right now.” The gloomy Du deputy chief of staff made a mobile phone and said: “Qin is a high-ranking family, but my Du family’s daughter is not so good bullying. I personally asked him, asking me to be clear and clear.”

(End of this chapter)

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