Chapter 5257 is furious

This is what I say in my mouth, but my deputy chief of staff is very cool.

If the daughter was wronged in Qin Xiu’s hand, it should not be such a fearful appearance, the daughter’s fear… more like fearing that she would call Qin Xiu to confirm it.

How can you be afraid?

It should not be so responsive.

The deputy chief of staff of Duan, who has a cold heart, is becoming more and more confused. Intuition tells him that it is not so simple for a daughter and Qin Xiu. There are many things he does not know!

Knowing that his father said that he did it, Du Jiayi no longer disguised himself, revealing a terrible laugh, and had not burst into tears.

Du’s deputy chief of staff saw this, but he was relieved. “If you are wronged, you should tell me and your mother, what do you mean by one person. Qin Xiu bullies you? Are the two individuals in conflict?”

Du, the deputy chief of staff who did not know anything, was still a contradiction between the two young people. He did not think about it in other ways, and he never thought that he would almost faint.

In the previous second, Du Jiayi was still crying. The next second was laughing. It was even more ugly than crying. It caused Du’s chief of staff to scare the big jump, the voice was high, and again angry. “What the **** is going on, say! Not disappointing you!”

If it is bullying and disappointing, at least the two of them are still together, but… no, never.

Tightening Du’s deputy chief of staff, Du Jiayi said the truth one by one, “Dad, I lied to you! I, I… I didn’t have Qin Xiu together…”

With the beginning and the back, I can say that I am going to go down. The more I say, the face of Du’s deputy chief of staff will sink a point, black one point, and in the end, the anger of the monks will be revealed.

“That is to say, in the past few years, you have been posting it in the past. He, Qin Xiu, didn’t look at you at all, right?” He asked, and the deputy chief of staff only felt that his chest was full of gas, and his breath was fast. It is even more black.

Du Jiayi didn’t dare to hide it at this moment. She was afraid that Du and the deputy chief of staff would call Qin Xiu. At that time, she had no face in front of Qin Xiu.

See also Du’s deputy chief of staff’s face was irony and scary, and Du Jiayi, who was afraid of grievances in her heart, cried until the lips were white. She was afraid of tightness and did not dare to continue to say.

The deputy chief of staff who was mad at the past did not give Du Jiayi the opportunity to escape. “Really answer me, dare to hide again, today and today…” The hands touched the waist, this is a gun action.

Du Jiayi shook his shoulders and said: “Yes… I posted it, all I posted it, but what can I do, Dad, I…”


A heavy slap in the face, the sound came to the maid who was busy preparing breakfast, and I was scared to wipe my hand and ran out. “What happened? What happened? How did it get angry early in the morning?”

The servant invited by Du Jia is not someone else. He is the cousin of Du’s deputy chief of staff. In the past, Du’s deputy chief of staff was so poor that he didn’t even have a sigh of relief, that is, the cousin’s family was relieved.

Therefore, although the cousin did the housework for the Du family, she always had the respect of the deputy chief of staff, and even Mrs. Li and her children were respectful.

When she came out, she saw that she had always been cherished. Everyone who was holding the face of Miss Jiaojiao’s fair-skinned face had a clear and clear finger print, and she smoked her fingers and looked at her blood.

This is this…this is how it is played!

She looked back and saw that she could go sideways at home and outside, and no one who dared to offend was beaten! It is still the most painful person to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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