Chapter 5258 is angry

The atmosphere in the living room was so bad that Du Jiayi, who was slap in the face, could not cry even crying.

“Fang Jie, you go back to work.” Du, the deputy chief of staff did not want to be embarrassed by his own family, let the cousin know, “I have something to do with Jiayi.”

Fang Jie sighed for a while and advised: “If you have something to say to the children, don’t be angry. You can solve the problem by anger, you have to say it well.”

I didn’t dare to stay in the end. I looked at Du Jiayi with some distress and went back to the kitchen to continue preparing breakfast.

Although these children are arrogantly yelling at her, “Fang Auntie,” but, oh, don’t say it, say more, don’t ask the cousin to be annoyed.

In the living room, Du’s deputy chief of staff could not afford to lose the face. When Fang’s sister left, his face was blue and he got up. “Go to the study! Throwing people’s eyes!”

Du Jiayi, who was half-faced and numb, got up. She wanted to escape and might escape.

A slap in the face is a very good result, just… just now she almost thought she was going to be shot by her father.

When I entered the study room, the door was closed, and the deputy chief of staff of the lungs was mad at the floor, and he was so angry that he couldn’t help but scream, “Give me a sigh!!”

Du Jiayi, who had never been beaten, did not dare to resist. She slammed her knees straight and brittle. She bowed her head and bowed her head. A black and beautiful hair was covered with a pale face.

“You still have a face crying! You still have a face crying! You have completely lost your face!” Du deputy chief of staff slammed his desk and photographed his own hands and pains. “I am a deputy staff.” The long daughter, rushed to post it! Others didn’t mean anything. They made it clear three times and five times. Without a face to continue to stick to it, just practice yourself and ruin yourself!”

“Du Jiayi, Du Jiayi, do you have my dad in your eyes? You have your mother in your eyes…”

Suddenly, Du’s deputy chief of staff’s voice came to an abrupt end, and then he seemed to think of something. He put his hands in his fists and pressed against the desk. The sound of a word and a word was like the cold wind blowing in the deep winter night. Infiltrate the cold color that can be cold to the bones. “Does your mother stand by you, she knows all of them! Tell me clearly!”

I must know that, otherwise, my wife’s savvy, it’s impossible to find that my daughter has not been with Qin Xiu.

Absolutely absolutely clear, and has been hiding in the dark to help her daughter, and support her daughter to post down to Qin Xiu.

The deputy chief of staff of the whole body was trembled and no longer questioned Du Jiayi. He was sulking with anger and picked up the seat in the study room. He pressed the number keys one by one and dialed a set of mobile phone numbers.

When the mobile phone is connected, there is no need to have any sound there. The gas is so sweet that the deputy chief of staff of Du is squeezed out of the teeth by a word, “Li Chenglan, you will give me home now! immediately!”

Li Chenglan is the nickname of Mrs. Li.

In the past two days, Mrs. Li has been in the hospital to take care of another father who was admitted to the hospital. In two days, the person also followed a thin circle. He heard her husband’s cold voice, and Mrs. Li did not have such a good temper to answer, “I am in the hospital. Take care of my dad, you have something to come to the hospital yourself.”

After Li Chuhai left, the two couples basically did not speak again. Du’s deputy chief of staff did not like Mrs. Li’s family for Li’s family, and even ignored her own small family. Mrs. Li did not like to rely on Li Jiacai to have the deputy chief of staff of Du today to turn his face and not recognize the people. The stalemate between the two sides is even difficult to maintain.

La la la, good night, good night…

(End of this chapter)

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