Chapter 5259

Mrs. Li’s temper has always been strong, and the family has always said that it is no different. Du’s deputy chief of staff felt that there was no problem before, and that there was a strong hostess in the family who would manage the house and would not let him worry about it.

The fact is also true. Since he married Mrs. Li, Du began to wash the mud on his legs a little bit, step by step from the field to the road, and went to Kangzhuang Avenue, and finally got the status today.

However, with the return of Li Chuhai from abroad, he committed a series of things. In the end, the deputy chief of staff of Du Du was almost taken down, and Mrs. Li was still doing her own thing. She did not realize that the Li family had reached the Xishan Mountain and asked Du’s staff. Long going to blend with Li Chuhai, trying to save Li Chuhai by her husband’s hand.

It’s about the future, and the things that Li Chuhai committed are related to the country. Du’s deputy chief of staff can’t even pay respect to his wife.

He shot, that is to do the right thing with the country.

Do you do it with the country?

Is it too long? !

Du’s deputy chief of staff did not take the shot, and Mrs. Li’s troubles became the result of today’s two couples’ calls.

Mrs. Li did not say more than half a word. When she finished speaking, she ended the call, and by the way, the mobile phone was muted. In recent years, thick thick makeup can not cover the aging face, and the look is gloomy.

Let her go home right away?

Is the home a soldier, is she a soldier?

Something, I am coming to the hospital!

I hope he comes to the hospital and dreams.

“Chenglan…” There was a tired voice from Mrs. Xiaoli’s wife in the ward. Mrs. Li, who was out of the ward and answered the phone, should step down and push the door. “Mom, how come you wake up? Then sleep again, still early It is.”

The ward is a high-class ward in one room and one hall, and only the princes of Li are treated at this level.

Two days ago, Li’s father had a stroke. Xiaoli’s wife insisted on going to the hospital for care. Mrs. Li had no choice but to follow the hospital. Fortunately, she usually did not need to do anything, there was nursing, and there was a nurse. She only had to stare at it. It will be tight.

This is the case, and Mrs. Li, who has lived in the hospital for two days, has some whistles.

She is also in her early forties, which is better than young people.

There is no way, Xiaoli’s wife insisted on staying in the hospital. Li’s father still lie in the intensive care room and only wakes up once. As a daughter, she has to accompany her.

Come over and put the pillows, and wait for Mrs. Xiaoli to sit on the pillow, the faces of the two mothers and daughters who are only ten years old are all tired.

Sitting on the good lady, Mrs. Li drank a glass of water, her face was hung with a gloomy color, and said to Mrs. Li: “You call the second child and ask Jun, how is the situation now, and the few gangsters, you tell The second child, either give them a death sentence, or stay in prison for the rest of their lives.”

“Our family is such a young seedling, if he has something, how can I tell the lord. Chenglan, you have to keep an eye on it, you have to keep your mother tight. The second child…”

Mrs. Xiaoli mentioned Li Ronghuan, and the turbid eyes had a hint of gloom. “Master believes, I don’t believe.”

The second child, Li Ronghuan.

Mrs. Xiaoli, who was forced to replace her, would not believe the original species. Li Ronghuan came back too cleverly. She didn’t seem to have any gaps with her stepmother. The more she did, the less her mother’s heart was.

She did not believe that Mrs. Lai did not believe either.

Wen Yan, Mrs. Lai nodded. “You don’t know that I know. Now we have only a good boy, and he can’t do anything.”

(End of this chapter)

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