Chapter 5268

Li, who was caught on the spot, immediately chilled her face. “What else?”

“Nothing, just want you to tell Dad in advance, and he said that he let me investigate the results.” Li Rong said with a slight smile, and appreciated that Mrs. Li had no time to adjust her expression, some distorted facial features, “Dad woke up, I should be able to get the news the first time.”

He wants to see Mrs. Li’s ugly before deliberately doing this. Mrs. Li also understands that there is no way to make a partial.

Dad let him adjust things and have a result… Does he know who is the real murderer who killed the first sea?

“Reassured, as long as Dad wakes up, I will definitely call you the first time!” Mrs. Li, who was cold and cold, tried to stabilize her expression and did not want Li Ronghuan to see her gaffe.

Li Ronghuan’s brows and picks left her a smile, and left with a relaxed pace.

All of them have already seen Li Chenglan’s desire to be angry and can only be tolerated. Li Ronghuan is very happy.

A woman outside the room who dared to enter the room also dared to put a “sister” in front of him, thinking that his face is big? !

The expression changed a few times, and finally Mrs. Li, who was biting her gangster, gloomy eyes and left her back, and returned to the ward.

Li Ronghuan was just playing her. He didn’t hide it at all. He told her clearly that he was playing her and wanted to see her ugly!

Mrs. Lai, who had eaten her head for the first time, stood for a while before she calmed her emotions and blew the cold wind. All the emotions on her face converge before returning to the ward.

At about 7:30 in the morning, Li Ronghuan rushed to the hospital and saw a very good father in the intensive care room.

In the face of a rotten Lao’s father, Li Ronghuan’s heart was soaring and refreshing. In the past, his mother passed away with pain. Now, it’s the turn of this biggest culprit to taste the pain of his mother!

Li Ronghuan, who was refreshed in his heart, stood by the bedside and looked at the instrument to maintain the life of Li’s father. Later, he bent over and sighed: “Dad, you can quite toss yourself. Finally, you can stand and eat.” The result is tossing myself in the hospital. Can you still talk? Can the ear still hear?”

“Li Ronghuan! What kind of thoughts do you have, do you want Dad to fail?” Mrs. Li yelled at the doctor and nurse. “If you don’t listen, please get out.”

Mrs. Xiaoli’s wife rubbed her eyes and her voice trembled: “Ronghuan, Mommy begged you, if there is anything in your heart that is not comfortable, then come to the little mom, don’t be angry again, okay?”

I used to be a human being, and the uninformed doctors and nurses looked at Li Ronghuan’s eyes.

Another is not a dutiful son.

The body can’t move, but the brain is sober. Li Laozi wants to manage it, and he can’t control it. His throat is “whistling” twice, his eyes moving to the side, and looking at Mrs. Li, meaning that Mrs. Li will go out with doctors and nurses.

The next thing is related to Li Chuhai, and Mrs. Li does not want doctors and nurses to know that when they are busy, they will politely invite them out, and they will tell the people around Li’s father to stay at the door to prevent being taken. Eavesdropping.

Without the presence of outsiders, Li’s father eagerly spit out a few words, “say…say…say…”

Li Ronghuan did not immediately say, rubbing his eyebrows at the door and glanced. “There should be a doctor present, and there is nothing to be rescued.”

“Li Ronghuan, you are deliberate!” Mrs. Li calmed her face. She didn’t have much patience. “If you have something to say, don’t bother daddy to rest.”

(End of this chapter)

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