Chapter 5269 is amazing

Mrs. Xiaoli also thought that Li Ronghuan deliberately did this.

“Yeah, Ronghuan, let’s talk about it. Isn’t your brother’s side over there, have you investigated it clearly? You can tell the little mom, so that the lord is happy.”

Mrs. Xiaoli, who said at least three words at the corner of her eyes, begged, whoever looked at it, thought that the old man was very pitiful, and Li Ronghuan was a wicked person.

“I will say, I am worried that my father can’t accept it, and my body is in trouble.” Li Ronghuan hoisted everyone’s appetite, including lying down and hearing the clear old man.

“Say…said…said…” A stomacher can’t say that Li Laozi still wants to come up with the prestige to order Li Ronghuan, but unfortunately, now he can only lie down, is a paralyzed patient who does not even speak clearly. .

Li Ronghuan looked at Lao’s father and looked at the outside room of his mother. He flashed his eyes and looked reluctantly opened his mouth. “Dad, then you have to hold on, don’t let yourself be angry. I, I said, you can listen to it.”

I also looked at Xiaoli’s old lady and grinned at Li Jun. “You are young and help her.”

Mom? Pooh! The older the face, the thicker it is!

“Come on, Ronghuan, Mommy begged you.” Master is still awake, and Jun Juner is also there, hurry up and say.

Mrs. Xiaoli is anxious.

“I found some things. When the female soldier who died in the same year returned, she gave birth to a daughter. The daughter was very competitive and admitted to the military academy. The following order was ordered to re-investigate the death of the female soldier, that is, the daughter of the female soldier worked hard through her own efforts. Contacted the above, causing the above to pay attention to this order to re-investigate the death of the female soldier.”

The opening made Li’s father stunned.

The dead female soldier actually has a daughter!

He hasn’t thought about it for so long. How did Li Ronghuan find it?

“Those things have suddenly been re-examined in the past many years. I want to be sure that someone wants to turn over the case, and the person who turned the case is naturally a close relative. It is only after more than a decade that the case is turned over. I wonder if the female soldier actually has a woman, now a child. I have a good time to turn over the case.”

Li Ronghuan really did not lie to Li’s father. Before he checked, he thought so. Tianli Zhaozhao, the retribution is uncomfortable. Maybe the victim’s children want to take revenge.

Such a check, I really let him check it.

“I found the former comrade-in-arms of the female soldier. The tone was very tight and I didn’t ask anything. The more I couldn’t ask anything, the more I doubted that there was a problem. Finally I found one of them, spent some money and made some temptations. The female soldier did have a daughter, was admitted to the military academy, and had contact with the former comrades of the female soldier.”

Mrs. Xiaoli’s wife heard this and sadly came from her heart. “So, this is the kind of life that has taken my life, is it? It’s the kind of life that requires me, right?”

The voice is so old, but it is sullen, making people feel very uncomfortable, like the water flowing in the gutters all year round, and they feel full of chills.

Li’s father’s breathing was so fast that there was a thick white mist on the breathing mask, continue… continue to say! Tell him all about the investigation! !

The more urgent they were, the slower Li Ronghuan, and then looked at Mrs. Li, who was gloomy and gloomy. She felt that her heart had been flustered. “See what I am doing, and what? Is it the name of the female soldier?” ?”

Li Ronghuan’s twilight is deeper, and the revenge in his eyes has reached a point where he can’t hide. “Nature is found, this person has something to do with you.”

(End of this chapter)

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