Chapter 5293 My lover

I learned that the female soldiers would not go out to patrol here, and they felt more and more relieved, but it was a pity.

There is no war in the country, and the female soldiers lack real practical experience. If they stay in the camp, it is estimated that it is difficult to encounter crossfire, and they will not improve themselves in the actual combat and exercise themselves.

She still hopes that the female soldiers have the real combat experience of the two times. The special forces have to be a little special, and the quenching of the war will make them harder.

Look at the arrangement behind, the battlefield is not the same, even if she has an idea, it is impossible to make a final decision.

While walking, I thought, and occasionally a few words of Ye Jian led the female soldiers out of the UN-maintained airport, and the open-air trucks that welcomed 50 peacekeepers were ahead.

There is no shuttle bus. The window glass and the pillars of the shuttle bus will be affected by the line of sight. It may not be able to detect the surrounding anomalies in time. The open-top trucks have unobstructed sight and can immediately counter-attack the guns, which is safer.

Standing on the side of a military jeep, Xia Jinyuan saw the person he missed at the first sight, without looking for it, just a glance.

The burning of the line of sight, with unconcealed enthusiasm and enthusiasm, looks at people who are getting closer and closer to themselves, with uniform soldiers wearing blue helmets and wearing uniform color camouflage combat uniforms, dozens of people, He can always find her right away.

Ye Jian did not immediately find Xia Jinyuan, and she did not know that her boyfriend was also in Libya. She did not expect to meet again here. She swept across five trucks and suddenly felt a sigh of her heart. Sight, looking at the front of the line of sight, a figure, the clear eyes instantly settled.

Summer… Summer team?

How did she see the summer team?


I can’t believe it, squinting my eyes and looking at it with big eyes. No mistakes, no eyes, the tall figure standing on the door of the second truck is her summer team!

The mood suddenly became excited, and the eyes, face, and body were surrounded by great joy. If she was not with the lieutenant and the male team leader, she would run all the way to the boyfriend’s arms that had not been seen for a long time.

The excited Ye Jian made the impulse to run the past, and the surprise that whizzed did not make her always lose her mind. She quickly stabilized her face and looked as if she was at the beginning.

Only the hands holding the rifle leaked her how excited she was at this time, how happy she was.

The two of them lined up in sight, and if there was substance, it was estimated that the current was in the air and the sparks were splashed.

It is a pity that both of them are able to restrain their emotions very well. Even if they are happy again, they will not let others see, a touch of a look, a smile of reunion, and this situation is known to each other.

I haven’t seen you for a long time, my little fox.

Long time no see, my summer team.

Driving the white crane of the jeep, he stood beside the driver’s door. As Ye Jian approached him, he recognized Ye Jian from a group of blue helmets. He was not separated from the last three years. The only female special forces on the snowy brigade The military temperament can be more intense than before.

I don’t know if it is his illusion. I always feel… The temperament of the bluebird is very similar to the temperament of Q. It’s hard to be a lover for a long time, even the temperament is like?

Ye Jian also saw the white crane at this moment. He smiled slightly and saw that Baihe also smiled at her.

(End of this chapter)

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