Chapter 5294 Catch

Although Xia Jinyuan and Baihe arranged to pick up people, all the things were arranged by the team, but the lieutenant of the team did not know that the captain of the female team was the girlfriend of the summer school with whom he was picking up. Reunion can not be the first time to hold hands to sue Acacia, but also have to do everything to get two people’s time.

The jeep stopped at the front of the five trucks, and fifty peacekeepers lined up in an empty place in front of the jeep. Xia Jinyuan’s line of sight was like a woven net, shrouded the leaves of his entire team and listened to her password. Looking at her like a knife and a knife, the darkness in the black scorpion is getting more and more heavy, and the people are clearly in front of their eyes, but the thoughts are deeper and more intense than when they are not seen.

The whole team’s Ye Jian felt deeply that Xia Jinyuan had strong and intense thoughts, and the apex was trembled.

“Stand up, take a break, dress up!” Ye Jian, who was twitching at the top of his heart, calmly faced the female soldiers. Even if the sight behind it was so hot that it would leave a mark on her heart, she did not look back, just… Speed ​​up the arrangement of female soldiers in the class.

“Squad leader!”


“Arrange a car!”


The female soldiers were crisp and crisp, just like the sound of the lark’s voice came with strength, and they saw the ten female soldiers in no way inferior to the speed of the male soldiers, and the movements were neat and tidy.

They ran past the jeep and passed by in the eyes of Xia Jinyuan. None of them recognized the summer instructors who had taught male soldiers in a camp.

Finally, the team’s Ye Jian ran over, and heard her summer team whispered a sentence, “Smiley, I want to hold you down.”

Ye Jian is not a trepidation of the heart, but the whole heart is trembled, this guy has started again!

She ran fast, Xia Jinyuan also confirmed that she must have heard what she said, thin lips slightly squirming, like a cheetah slowly passing through the prairie, elegant and full of extreme danger.

The wind seems to have the faint fragrance left by her when she ran. Xia Jinyuan smashed the dark and dark black scorpion, and sat on the white crane saying: “I went to see her, I have to catch people in my car.” “”

Otherwise, she will definitely ride a truck with the female soldiers. He ran over to pick up people. This is not the case. He has to take people from his side and sit on his own. This is the pick-up.

The white crane made a “please” action.

The arrogant guy doesn’t catch people around him today. He may be in a bad mood. Once his mood is not good, he will eventually be unlucky. It is their “hard-working” comrades.

Ye Jian did intend to take a car with the female soldiers, Yang Zhen got on the bus, Ye Jian was also ready to board the car, with a light smile, mellow and revealing a pleasant man’s voice coming from one side. “Long time no see, Ye instructor.”

I didn’t have a good Yangzhen on the bus, how the sound is so familiar!

Immediately turned to look to the side, full of strange faces, “Summer instructor!”

The female soldiers sitting in the open-top truck were all shocked. They all felt familiar when they heard the sound. I never imagined that I met the summer instructor again here!

“It’s really a summer instructor. I came across the summer instructor!” The female soldiers were surprised and happy, and even the uneasiness that had arisen from the strange environment dissipated a lot.

It’s true that people’s feelings are getting better.

Xia Jinyuan did not greet the female soldiers very enthusiastically. He was a chilly temper. When he met an acquaintance, there was no way to be enthusiastic. The slight dagger had already responded enthusiastically.

(End of this chapter)

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