Chapter 5295 Baeked bachelors

When I saw the female soldiers stood up, he looked at him with a cold eyes, his brows were very shallow and crumpled, and he said: “Get your guns and sit down. When you get here, you must be ready to fight.”

The smiles on the faces of the female soldiers had not yet had time to close them up, and they were shocked by the cold and dripping sight of Xia Jinyuan. All of them were calm and calm, and they dared not say more.

The instructor of the summer has always been serious, and he can make the male soldiers feel in their hearts. They just ate the bear heart and the leopard, and even laughed and greeted the summer instructor.

Only their leaf instructors are not afraid of him.

When they appeared on the scene, they wouldn’t dare to speak out. Xia Jinyuan, who dared not speak out, just wanted to take their leaf instructors away. A serious request, “Lead instructors, we still need to discuss with you some things here, let’s talk in the car. ”

Ye Jian really thought that he had something, and the female soldier left with Xia Jinyuan.

From the rearview mirror, I saw the white cranes from the two of them silently giving their captain a thumb. It was amazing, and they really took the bluebird under the eyelids of the female soldier.

See also Xia Jinyuan walked away, shoulders from time to time touched Ye Jian’s shoulders, the white crane silently blinked, all the way to the Q King has been unable to control his own anger, and the public hall boldly harassed the blue bird.

However, the distance of three or five meters, Xia Jinyuan encountered at least five times more than the shoulders of Ye Jian!

What can Ye Jian say? Well, she doesn’t want to say anything, bow her head and silently grin.

She hadn’t seen it for more than nine months. She couldn’t help but want to hold his hand. He wanted to rush into his arms and hug him. He touched his shoulder from time to time… It was very restrained.

Sitting in the car silently eating a tank of “sugar”, the white crane wants to help the gang, love is sweet, he can feel the sweetness in the car.

Pulling the door open, the white crane took the lead to say hello, “Long time no see, blue bird.”

Ye Jian laughed and his eyes were bent. “White crane, I haven’t seen it for a long time.”

“You just saw that I didn’t laugh so much.” Xia Jinyuan, who hasn’t got on the bus, “vinegar”, “I still yell at me.”

He is “vinegar”, and Ye Jian’s face is red. “Is there something to discuss? Get on the bus.”

Let him talk about it, and he will say many words that she heard her blushing.

Xia Jinyuan, who had nothing to discuss, couldn’t be ashamed. He bent over and got on the bus to the white crane: “In front, I’m going to lower my head.”

Ye is not clear, so the white crane pressed his head and slammed his head down. Soon, he heard a kiss from his back burning to his bachelor.


He is wrong!

He is really wrong!

Why does he recommend himself as a driver? The brain must be in the water!

The kiss is so loud, can you take care of the young mind of this bachelor?

The leaf that was kissed was stupid. Stupid, she was convenient for Xia Jinjin to drive straight into the city, to hold her soft tongue, screaming, a gentle, even a strong aggression. Can feel his deep feelings in the flesh and blood, the overwhelming thoughts make Ye Jian instantly fall into disappointment.

The hot kiss didn’t last long, not even a minute, and it was estimated that it would end in thirty seconds.

There was no kissing sound for the bachelor to sweat and sweat. The white crane who dared to look up slowly turned his head and looked at the two men with a sad look. “Two, I am still young, still a long body, still in morality, wisdom, The body is fully developed, the mind is younger, can you take care of it a little?”

Fortunately, the time is short. If the time is long, he will protest against the strike and change the car!

(End of this chapter)

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