Chapter 5296 Ten fingers

Ye Jane burned all over the body and blew it up. She didn’t dare to look up. Even if she said something, she didn’t listen carefully. Maybe she could say… Shame to the six senses and shield all the information.

After Xia Jinyuan, who is addicted to the mouth, licks his mouth and carefully recalls the kiss just now. He heard the words and replied with a bit of sorrow to answer his comrades. “You can also be in front of me in the future, without taking care of me.”

Baihe laughs, Laozi has to have a girlfriend to take care of you!

I am embarrassed to open the leaf in the dark, twisted Xia Jinyuan thigh, warned his man to shut up, strength is a bit big, screwed to Xia Jinyuan’s mouth corners have been pumped, hurt!

“Slightly screw and screw, it hurts.” Xia Jinyuan naturally grasped the hand that screwed his thigh, so he took it, gripped it tightly, and then slowly tightened the five fingers, the two changed from hand to ten fingers. Tightly buckled.

Kissed, and led, the comrades Xia Jinyuan of the old man and the virgin have been greatly satisfied, and this day is better than the gods!

The interlocking ten fingers are as close as possible, and the temperature of each palm is close to each other. The ten fingers are connected to each other. When you are tight, the pulse is already close to the heart and heart.

The white crane looked silently from the rearview mirror and had a warm smile in his eyes.

The love between Q King and Jade Bird, even if it is endless waiting, has never consumed the affection between the two. Every time they are separated, they try to reunite next time. Every waiting is silent, every reunion can make the two people feel deeper and deeper. stable.

This kind of love makes people want to be born.

Forty male soldiers all boarded the car, and the lieutenant who was in charge of the sprint came. Xia Jinyuan put down the rear window glass in advance, and the elbows slid up to the window. He smiled at the running squat: “Lieutenant, I invite female soldiers. The captain sat with us, and you worked hard in front of you.”

The lieutenant wiped the sweat that flowed to the corner of his eye. He did not think that he laughed: “What is so hard?”

Pulling the door up, Lieutenant turned his head to Ye Jiandao: “Lead captain, the camp area is one and a half hours away from the airport. If you are tired, you can sleep.”

When the lieutenant ran, the two of them had already let go, and the face with some reddish leaves, Jane smiled and replied, “I have been sleeping all the time. I am not sleepy now, and I am not tired.”

“This way, then I will talk about some things in our camp.” Zhongguan Guanye’s face is indeed ruddy, can’t see the tiredness, just talk about some things in the camp.

The face was clearly pointed out, and Ye Jian, who was blushing and blushing, listened carefully. Slowly, his face shyly dissipated.

When the car was driving, the country that was ravaged by the war, like a broken picture, slowly appeared in front of the female soldiers. They saw the deep crater that was bombarded by the mortar and saw the black vehicle burnt into the shell by fire. , which also includes tanks and the like.

Here, attacks occur almost every day, car bombs, guns, mines detonated, hostage hijackings, kidnappings and deaths… Insurrections of terror are happening every day.

Such dangers will also occur on UN peacekeepers, including national peacekeepers, who will point and fire at the guns at any time.

All the doctrines do not have any binding effect on the Libyan militants.

Libya, who is near the northern edge of the Hara Desert, is so desolate that the female soldiers are in a very heavy mood.

Libya, the most dangerous peacekeeping mission area, has no one.

The soldiers who came here to maintain peace faced the danger every day, never shrugged, and used their guns to guard the refugees in the war-torn country.

(End of this chapter)

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