Chapter 5297

Lieutenant regarded Ye Jian as the female soldier who first entered the war-torn country. In order to make Ye Jian have a psychological preparation, he picked some key points and told Ye Jian.

“We had 14 car bomb attacks here last year. The militants drove vehicles with remote-controlled bombs directly into the camp, and then quickly detonated. Last year, several entrances were blown up at the entrance to our camp.”

“This year’s attack has escalated. There have been shots of firearms and anti-slanting fire attacks. The northern side of the camp has blown up a hole, but it will be intercepted in time. It will not be conceivable.”

“In addition to trepidation and defense, the environment is also the difficulty we have to overcome. Libya, which has an average temperature of 40 degrees Celsius in the rainy season, breeds mosquitoes quite rapidly. Infectious diseases such as malaria and yellow fever will be blown like squalls. Camps The most strokes.”

On the way to the camp, the lieutenant picks up some of the current important difficulties, and the dangers that he will encounter at any time, telling Ye Jian, completely thinking of Ye Jian as a newcomer to the war-torn country for the first time, while talking about secretly observing Ye Jian, a little afraid Too much to say, will make the female soldier afraid.

I didn’t see fear from Ye Jian’s face. Lieutenant was in my eyes. My heart was strange again and again. I entered the war-torn country for the first time. No matter how many people are afraid, the face of the female soldier’s face is calm. She seems to have seen more, no mood swings.

The kind of calm, calm, able to solve all the difficulties, from the face of a female soldier in the first war to the country, I saw this anger, Lieutenant is still the first time to see.

The white crane is driving steadily, and he is happy to not want it.

Sitting behind Q King looked serious and his eyes were cold, and he seemed to use his own expression to echo everything Lieutenant said.

Actually… Bai Hejue’s expression is a depressed expression.

The Q king who came to pick up people could not find a chance to talk to the bluebird. Can you not be depressed in your heart?

I can’t tell the lieutenant directly. The leaf Jane who is sitting behind is a female soldier who has passed through countless wars and experienced countless fires. She does not have to worry that she will be afraid.

The lieutenant is also a kind heart, and the Q king can only endure it if he is depressed.

Of course, nowadays it is not an occasion to talk about love. It is already very good to meet, and there can be no high demands. It is enough to separate the reunion of more than nine months.

Xia Jinyuan is really not because the lieutenant keeps talking, he can’t talk to Ye Jian and he looks serious. He is thinking why Ye Jian will come to Libya.

The more I think, the more I feel that this thing is weird and has problems. I need to think about it and see if I can come up with some clues.

Really not, he simply asked the domestic to ask the Major General what arrangements there.

The car quickly entered the urban area, and the faintly leafy Jane heard the sporadic gunshots in the city. The line of sight looked out through the window of the car, and said to Xia Jinyuan: “Southeast direction, about eight kilometers away, sporadic crossfire.”

“Well, the situation here is complicated, and the most dangerous peacekeeping areas have its own characteristics. It is not normal for a day without gunshots.” Xia Jinyuan, who also heard the gunshots, frowned slightly and opened the map with him.

His fingers just pointed to their current location, and Ye Jian, who had come to see the map, reached out and pointed his fingers to another point. “It should be in this area.”

“The error is not big. It is about 14 kilometers from our camp. The camp will be ready.” Xia Jinyuan nodded. “We need to make a detour.”

Good night, girls.

(End of this chapter)

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