Chapter 5299 worry

Inside the jeep, Lieutenant was very interested in the relationship between the three and the comrades. “I just didn’t see that the three were comrades-in-arms. The summer school took the map out and the team leader joined the discussion. The tacit understanding between the two made me feel Somewhat strange, I really didn’t think you were a comrade-in-arms relationship.”

“With Captain Ye, then you have eight comrades in Libya this time. Captain Ye, what is your identity in the team?”

There was no question about which army the three men came from. The peacekeepers came from several troops, and the three people in front of him did not have a unit with him.

Ye Jian did not hide, “sniper.”

The women are snipers and look at the major military regions. The major units in the country are rare. At least there are no female snipers in the lieutenant’s army. Therefore, the lieutenant was surprised that his eyes were wide open. “Sniper position? So powerful?”

“Even snipers are coming, yes, a combination of intensive classes!”

Sniper in place, strengthen the class combination… Right! Xia Jinyuan, who thought of the key points, was slightly tightened, and even the snipers were sent, fearing that some action would be done soon.

He just thought of this, three eyes from the rear view mirror silently, the white crane with a slightly curved corner of the mouth quickly received the line of sight, and carefully opened his own car.

Ye Jian took back the line of sight and smiled at Xia Jinyuan. The three did not need to talk and knew what they thought.

Many years of comrades, how many times have been born and died, the tacit understanding is not the general deep.

In the camp, G3 watched K7 carry a group of Leah than the children to play, while waiting for the comrades to return, just received a notice, the team came back on the road just happened to have a sporadic exchange of fire, the team has chosen to detour, return to camp time It’s about half an hour late.

It’s a very dangerous thing to sneak out for a minute outside here. Suddenly there are more than half an hour, and G3 has some concerns.

As the most dangerous peacekeeping area, G3’s concerns are not superfluous. Before returning to the camp, everything is fixed.

It is also a test for Libya’s peacekeeping troops sent by the Chinese. The 50 peacekeepers who crossed a village did encounter trouble.

In front of the road leading to the urban area, the iron net was pulled. The iron net was piled with sandbags. The lieutenant put down the telescope and looked a little cold. “There are guns ambushing on the sandbags. The villages where the Walla people live have always been close to the government. They The village is a village with its own armed forces. It has been secretly supporting the government forces that they are unlikely to block the road to the city.”

On the actual experience, the lieutenant in the car had to stand in front of the three people in the car. He was still analyzing, and Ye Jian’s two rifle safety bolts were pulled down and entered the combat state for one second.

The white crane that drove the car handed it to Xia Jinyuan in the back through the car-lined walkie-talkie. The Xia Jinyuan, who took the walkie-talkie, told the car-related personnel that it was cold and cold, and “into the combat preparation, there were unidentified personnel in front of the ambush, and all the preparations for the battle.”

At least 800 meters away from the front iron mesh and sandbag ambush, a total of six vehicles including the jeep are all turned off.

Ye Jian Shen said: “The atmosphere is not quite right, change the combat preparation into combat, I used to join the female soldier.”

She has to carry a female soldier here, and there must be no way for the male soldier to send someone to command the female soldier to fight. She is also not at ease to hand the female soldiers to the male soldiers.

There is no one running-in period, and there is no tacit understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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